It's weird. uni for 12 weeks, pick up great studying habits, 2 weeks of exams, all go really well,
10 weeks off
Annoyingly the past 4 1/2 weeks have been realising that last semesters' enthusiasm has gone, left me to only ponder that success in my previous semester only occured by someone who hijiacked my body to learn "Introduction to Computer Science." The follow up course has been banished from my mind with thoughts of "How am I going to go to before midnight when it is now 2am? Did I remeber to take out the rubbish? What ICT107 Assignment due in two days?"
But now I realise, these are all normal thoughts that I had last semester and it is just my body telling me "you're a uni student, disorganised and possibly unshowered, it is the same as it ever was"
The updating of my blog the day of an assignment, the cleaning of my room in order to avoid an in lab test, the pitiful excuses I come up with of why the fridge was open all night.
It's all back to normal...
And that's the way I like it.