Thursday, November 27, 2008

One Post. One Year. One incedent involving a lampshade. I don't really want to talk about it.

Well, it's been a year, and now its time for the obligatory wrap up post.

Well, theres been this uni that I have attended occasionally. And it's been quite good, Curtin students know it as "uni-for-people-not-good-enough-for-a-proper-uni", I know Curtin as "People-who-are-unaware-that-their-networking-program-is-10-years-old" Enough with the slander, lets get to the real problem, those freakin' Notra Dame students. Or at least, let me suggest some reasons to go Murdoch and why I go there.

Murdoch uni, is a great uni, you'll get a degree out of it, which is pretty important for a uni, its a pretty nice campus, with some good walks and views of trees and scrubs if your into that sort of thing, and its a natural preserve for Quenda species which are a cute little fuzzy animal related to the Quokka

It's got a chiropractic facility, and don't worry, students don't go in there till they're in their 5th year so you will come out with a fully complete spinal cord and sometimes a free tap! And before you say "That was a terrible joke, spinal taps aren't funny." Well to that I say "It goes up to ELEVEN!!" And if you say "I don't get it." then you're very hard to please and you should go somewhere else.

It's got a library, at the beginning of the year, I said this was good for hide and seek.

Kevin, if you can read this, you can come out now... It's not funny any more....

It's got the Ref, which Geiger rating has not become significantly higher than what it was at the beginning of the year. And it has Demon. Energy drinks vary from place to place, normally odd ball brands you can only seem to find in one place are the best. This my friend, is that oddball drink. Not only does Kababulous provide Kebabs, it now quenches the other requirement of adequate sustenance. Demon cola, tastes like coke, but its like getting a feeling you get when you are told an assignment is due at midnight that you didn't even know you had.

Wait a sec, maybe that was just find out about 106.. nevermind. Its awesome.

My personal experience this year has been great, meet some random people, went to some great lans, woke up in a shopping trolley, haven't even begun to talk about what I've learnt at uni.


It's hard, and there's a big change, you suddenly not really cared for by anyone, your on your own, but that doesn't mean you don't have support there from the teaching and learning centre, or the bunch of Friends you get (cause they're in the same boat)

So you have put up with my bad spelling, bad grammer, bad jokes and geek references and I believe you deserve something for that, you deserve to do the same.

THAT'S RIGHT!! Get into Murdoch and become A FIRST YEAR BLOGGER. You won't get a shiny trophy or any self-respect, but you will get the chance to tell people about uni, and about all the problem YOU FACE!! That's right YOU COMPLAIN, YOU SCORE A FREE YEAR LONG PARKING PERMIT... WIN/WIN!!

So add some lolz, add some truth, and lets start a whole new season of graffiti of the week that actually comes out weekly... Or not.

Seriously, very rewarding experience.

So what will happen to this blog, may post some random stuff on it, will post the new lot of first year bloggers URLS when they get put up and maybe some of my second year stuff when it comes around, meanwhile, there may only be the occasional post till March, about what I've set fire to now.


Well, these are from all round the place

Nominee #1:

Use an action verb

Nominee #2:

Thank you! But the toilet paper you need is in another castle!

Nominee #3:

I paid my taxes and all I got was this stupid graffiti wall!

Nominee #4:

Push button, Receive bacon.

Nominee #5:

FIGHT APATHY, or don't

Nominee #6

I miss the internet

Nominee #7

No Zombie is safe from Chicago Ted.

Nominee #8

Nominee #9

The cake is a lie

Nominee #10

Move during the day, they can't go out in sunlight!!
That's Vampires MORON.

You know what, I'm going to stop here, they've just turned into gamer jokes.

HAVE A GOOD LIFE... KEEP WEARING PANTS.... Yeah, that didn't make any sense, but none of the blog did, so it's okay!



Sunday, November 9, 2008

And now a word NOT from out sponsers, as well as the five stages of the end of semester!

Let me first apologise for the huge gaps in between blogs.. it's just.. the blogger outline said "Update at least weekly"and that made blogging sound like hard work, so, just like uni assignments/study, they were put on the back burner.

Ah, Week 15, a time to take off the shrink wrap of those "Required" text books flick through them, and then wonder if you should know any of it. Exams are always been odd to me, for 11 weeks you hear "Now we're going to learn this new topic", then al of sudden "Do you remeber this topic, you're going to need it for exams." WHY is the human mind designed so that in a three hour period you are frantically trying to compose a cascade style sheet and you need to know what they are and how to use them to progress in your course, yet, for no reason at all you quote all the words to "The Pina Collada Song." Which brings me to...

The Five Stages of deathexams

  1. DENIAL. Noramlly occurs about between week 1-13, associated with statements such as "exams are weeks away" and "Oh, it's okay to sleep through this lecture again, I mean, the sleep is better for me." Denial maybe visible at the beginning of week 14 with the statement "Oh I can't wait till exams are over, THEN I CAN PAR-TEY." This is only present in students in their first semester.
  2. ANGER. Starts between Week 12 and Week 15. WHY THE F--- HAVEN'T I BEEN STUDYING EVERY WEEK LIKE I WAS TOLD TO. This stage is normally the first time this semester that any student studying advanced english will use a colloquism.
  3. BARGANNING. This usually is one of the first times that an average student will go directly to a lecturer or tutor, in order to try and get free marks, usually met with limited success.
  4. DEPRESSION.  Kicks in during the all-nighter during a time* which can be calculated from the time since the last break and the amount of red bull consumed/remaining.
  5. ACCEPTANCE. Anywhere between 48 hours and 5 minutes untill the exam comensment time, there comes a time, where the brain goes through a proccess (much like the one of blacking out a painful memory.) of releasing morphine and endorphans into the blood stream, the student relaxes and, not quite audible to the human ear, says "Ah, let's just wing it."

This proccess has been altered to other university events such as before assignments and before results, but it has been proven that before exams is the time when it occurs in the most students

* Mathmatics students who still need a PHd topic can study this... please... it's for the greater good!

But hush now, exams will soon be over, the unit guide, soon forgotten in a blaze of glow sticks and various chemicals (even if they're only Glucose, Saturated Fat and Sodium Cloride.) and as the music starts up and the only thing you can think of is "crap its 
link href="../CSS files/CSS.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"", well I got question 3 wrong...."

Good Luck to everybody doing exams of some sort and remeber,

Meanwhile grafetti of the week comes from the library...
"If you want a good time call 9455 .... <--- if you want THE time call 1900 912 000"