Monday, June 7, 2010

And so the untold hours of emptiness begin...

My blog does not represent the views of Murdoch or any of its affiliates. All posts are NOT to be taken seriously and are written only for entertainment purposes.

Okay, so let's review:

  • Linux is enjoyable and I'm going to need it for 339.
  • "Network Security" needs more assessments, 80% of the marks come from two exams.
  • As much as Mr Boddington is an awesome lecturer, his units could do with a tidy up, stuff gets retaught, a lot of slides get skipped during lecturers, they are very enjoyable and I got 8/10 for my Mooting but
  • If you're the defendant, don't start accusations against the person you are defending, cause she'll be considered guilty.
  • I got an interview with the ABS, hoping I'll get to look after the security of the information of every citizen of this country - Somewhere, somehow, the Network Security lecturer just got very depressed.
  • If a girl suggests that she wants something short term, that does not necessarily mean with you
  • Asking a girl when you can "Tap that" can lead to a defriending - However, she will continue to comment on posts in your newsfeed and there is now no socially accepted way of me contacting stalkee 2.
  • It would of never of worked, she didn't understand "The IT Crowd" and thought Moss was an idiot. He is not. He is awesome.
  • This maybe the last time for at least 40 years before I have a sizable break with no responsibilities.
  • My job is fun for wasting time professionally, I still enjoy it and think I get paid too much, and can forget about it when I go home.
  • I've had a haircut. The guys there still can't believe I love a number 3 all over and still triple check with me that I want to lose most of my hair.
  • Polymorphic Specters are crap at making out.
  • Franz Hopper died. Repetitively.
  • So did Aileta, but she's still alive and tapping Jeremie, I think Franz would be okay with that though, despite the fact that he can get a little tetchy when things don't go his way.
  • Tetchy. Tetchy! TETCHY!! Mr Flibbles doesn't like that...
  • Pissed off a friend from high school, by telling him that he can't move here on the weekend I had my first exam. Which was three days away at the time. WHO THE FUCK GIVES THREE DAYS NOTICE BEFORE MOVING? Ahem. Apologies.
  • May not have a place to live at end of year. May be on the other side of the country at the end of the year.
  • Research has found having 100 orgasms a year will typically add an extra 3 - 8 years to your life.
  • I should really wash my bedding.
  • One of my sister's has only just discovered the awesomeness of Dr Who - she didn't realise that they were all quite mad and awesome.
  • The winner of the Murdoch Encounters was an idea that was done in a Dr Who episode. I'm serious. I'm not sure if the person saw that episode, but it was in one. It was something about refining the exhaust fumes of a car. Atmos? Hello? Ended up with cars killing people. And the guy is going to PLAY that guitar. Yes, play an invaluable guitar. Great. There was even better humour ones, and no not mine, mine weren't that great, and no one picked up on the Soylent Green reference. And the "Art Structure" has been replaced with a wire mesh pig as tall as me to be filled with cans. In three weeks the legs were filled. At Southbound A rooster which was three times the size of this pig thing was filled in one and a half days. Seriously not cool Murdoch, at least the boxes thing lit up.
  • Contrary to popular believe, the replica Sonic Screwdriver does not vibrate, nor can you get a vibrator in the shape of a Sonic Screwdriver, at least not a licensed one anyway.
  • Orion is the man in the sky, who has a large belt for holstering his sword. Click on him.
  • Stalkee #1 will be sharing a games design class with a good mate of mine, he says that he'll put in a good word, or try to hit that himself. I told him she was taken, he told me she hasn't met him yet and also the fact that he wants to me to shut up about being lonely.
  • I'm still lonely.
  • Seriously, 8 weeks of nothing except work and the occasional outing, well at least I have my games. What? But... No. No! There was time now! THERE WAS TIME NOW!
  • I wonder if paying $200 and getting the entire Twilight Zone would be worth it.
  • Probably, but I'm only going to get a few grand before the end of the year for moving expenses, but annoyingly there's a few things I'd like to acquire for these weeks of lonesome.
  • As always make sure you do everything I wouldn't do.
  • Still weeks before new series of IT Crowd and Futurama, feeling skeptical about Futurama, movies were to convoluted and no continuing story line.
  • Should not buy laptop skin, but looks so freakin' awesome.
  • My princess is not just in another castle, but probably in another uni/state/country. And if she's waiting for me to mature I'm stuffed.
  • Epic quote: "You know, the one person who understands you is nowhere near here, you've got to go find her. And I hope she's lonely cause you're really starting to piss me off.."
  • Got an awesome timetable for next  semester, 8 hours contact Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Off, Two hours Thurs, Three hours Friday. BRILLIANT. I agree with Jess their new system is much better, however, I wish you could click a button, and it would show all possible timetables with no clashes. Ah well. Murdoch, I do hope you manage to get your new sites up during the break. Would be cool.
  • Stupid thing, could you make at least our latest post appear under our names in the endorsed bloggers. I know we didn't win but it still makes me feel like no one cares about our blogs.
  • I heart the eighties has some good stuff, but it has Celebration which is the lamest song ever about Celebrating and so repetitive. It's like an eighties version of "I Gotta Feelin' " Think about it. You know I'm right.
  • Friend of Kassey (Kassey (not her real name, BTW.) was someone that I did ask out at one point, but she thought I was so cute that she didn't get scared off, in fact, she's got 350 friends on Facebook, ALL OF WHICH she sees fairly regularly, and keeps up with, for some reason I've gotten into quite a close circle, of these, she only asks about 40 to social occasions, I'm one of which. I think it's because she went to an all girls school, I'm one of her closest male friends (her Facebook friends are about 90% female. Seriously, only about 35 male friends. And apart from family members, I believe all of which have asked her out at some point and been rejected, I was just special for some reason and she still doesn't mind inviting to some events.) and doesn't like all girl outings unless she wants it to be an all girls outing.):"I've had this phone for a month now and I still don't know how to change the ringtone, lol." (I pick up the phone) "Do you mind?" "Not at all" (five to eight seconds later.) "What do you want your ringtone to be, hey, you got Bach!" "HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?" "Geek." "Ah." "Yeah I decided to sacrifice a lifetime of sex and learning proper social convention for being able to fix people's phones." "Nothing wrong with being a virgin." "There is when you're desperate." "Well, there is always the possibility that some girl will exchange sex for having a working computer." "Really?" "I apologise, my computer is working fine at the moment."
  • Graffiti of the week (One thing this blog has taught me, how to spell 'graffiti'.)
"Mrs Pacman swallows"
"She can take my cherry anytime."

ZING! Seriously guy's in the library toilet grow up. Only reason I'm posting it is because of the recent anniversary.

  • Hope you were paying attention. There will be a test. Until I get banned from the network goodbye.