Thursday, January 8, 2009

Errr... Um... Sorry?

It is with a heavy heart that I post this blog...

Firstly - I found out indirectly through a post grad student at murdoch that I had offended A LOT university staff, for this I humbly apologise, I mean things like "I sleep though lectures" in humorous contexts and I apologise for whom has been offended by these claims, or any direct insults to staff workers on campus. They all do more important stuff than me (I"m an undergraduate with little chance of doing post grad - so I'm nothing special. But I do want to complain that the only way my blog can improve and not offend is though commenting and sending me emails directly. i WILL read these and edit out offensive material.

BUT COME ON, offending staff? A first yearer? in a blog FOR the uni? Without being "Banned from the network"?? You gotta give me some sort of cheer for that.

Secondly - I will reinterate on the statement to comment on blogs, not just mine but any blog you read. Bloggers have huge egos that need to be maintained. Rating system, on the uni advice page you are encouraged to rate on the blogs. I'm going to admit this now. The best blogger wins some sort of prize, I dunno what it is, none of the bloggers do, encourage them to keep blogging, cause your going to get a new load next year.

Speaking of next year, by now you might have seen you TER. Creepy, huh.

If you did well congratulations, sit back, and get the life that you lost in the last two years. It will still be waiting (You're probably going to lose it again when you go to uni so do with it what you can.

Students who did not so well. I'd like to let you in on two secrets. After this no one really cares about you TER. Number 2, my TER. 66.2 . There you, pretty poor, the lowest ever TER for my computing course had been 70. I felt screwed. That I failed at life. But no, one STAT test (Yes, I sucked that much) and I get a nice big letter in the mail. Never give up hope. If you don't get into uni, get into TAFE. ANYWAY YOU CAN, its a simple three year course, I hop, step and a jump into uni.

Yes it's a long way round, but you can still get there, easily,

So vote, trash me in comments, then sign up to be a first year blogger and I can laugh at you.

Please note: This will not appear correctly on the murdoch site cause i'm specky and use a bit of html. So FAIL all the guys who made the murdoch uni advice page.

P.S. Murdoch tech guys, can I nick the code which makes my blog appear on the uni advice site?


The management.

Graffiti Of the Week.

YOUR ALL FAGOTS <---- use "Faggots" to suggest homosexuality, rather than fallen foliage.