Well, another study break has come and gone, another chance to catch up, another chance to see if you actually understand the unit, another change to see if you really can light a candle with natural expelled gas and match.
Or another chance to actually do something productive adjusting the layout of items in the fridge so the next person who opens it gets covered in bacon. Oh screw it, I'm going to go and open it, seriously, what is it like getting covered in BACON??!?
(3 minutes later)
Anyways, the blog I present to you now depicts one of the more interesting possibilities of uni life, that is moving with a bunch of mates to a shared house to prove you are independent or getting the chance to leave the toilet seat up.
The move itself.
My mate (Since the laws of probability caused the two of us geeks to share a geek computer class during high school. A total of five times.) had his parents help him move, they brought him lots of food, put it in my cupboard, dumped his bed in an empty room and ran off. Before he promptly re arranged all the furniture and then we ate all the food. And even then they were here two hours. So, this bit takes some time, regardless of how much help, and although slightly monotonous is necessary and after doing the job is one of those few times where you can plomp onto a chair and nobody cares. But then they start telling you to get up cause there's furniture to bring in.
That night. Is always good. An excuse to binge on food, watch movies and then the option is yours to fight about who's going to clean up the mess or play your first game of strip poker/blackjack/uno/pick up sicks/hungry hungry hippos. FYI, don't play the last two without signing some sort of waiver.
The day after, things get a bit more serious.
There's a lot to do, all the washing, cleaning and cooking is now your responsibility. There's unfortunately conflict, who ever your sharing with has got to learn your nuances, and you have to learn theirs. What duties do you share? Who pays for what? Who knows the number of the poisons hot line?
Just remember your with a mate, don't destroy your friendship over something little, if your getting sick of his post its everywhere, his obsession to make all the clocks say 5:42, his leaving the lid off the toothpaste tube (even though its a flip top, he takes the lid off WTF??)
I'm learning all this slowly but surely that I'm very poor to live with, and its a massive change from being on my own.
However I do offer to pay half the phone bill, so that helps. Living in a shared house is overall a good experience, the main advice I can give is someone you've been friends with for a long time and/or someone who knows you have foot odour.
Graffiti of the Week: (Written on our living room wall.) "Please do not expect computer help, we will just call you an idiot, if this message offends you, you are the idiot. Shopping list: Milk, eggs, more bacon (Why is all our bacon defrosting in a puddle of water in front of the fridge??), one of those plastic things that fits on the end of a hose.
To that girl I'm stalking doing accounting: Read fine print. Seriously. Don't tell me you've "found another stalker" you signed a contract.