Monday, November 30, 2009

Assignment 5 (Hey I got the number right!) - The end..ish post "Visions of a Brave New World"

My blog does not represent the views of Murdoch or any of its affiliates. All posts are NOT to be taken seriously and are written only for entertainment purposes.

So I took this little test here to see what type of thinker I am, where's me brain at  (Well at the moment off cause I've finished exams... More on that later.) and the email it spat back (Hey, no one was thinking and read my answers, sorry it's a computer program that just works with USE-CASE statements... Ignore the man behind the curtain, it's just code.) Said something along the lines of:

You're a visionary thinker - and an eternal optimist. You have a talent for finding opportunities in everything.

You're driven by the promise of leading the world to a brighter future and believe that by exploring different and original ways of thinking, you can make the seemingly impossible happen.

With your compassionate thinking style, you might like to use our course browse tool to find courses based around these personality traits:

  • Creative and artistic
  • Analytical and scientific
Actually, it said exactly that, cause that's a copy and I haven't even changed the font or removed the hyperlink. I find several interesting things here before I discuss what this email says to me, what 'Visionary means to me, some talk about exams and the future of this blog.  1stly, there's a comparision put online comparing the different fields of study for what results they have (Such as Law, Business or Environmental Studies.) From their tally ALL SCHOOLS EXCEPT I.T. are dominantly compassionate. 

I've got to choke back a giggle here. Seriously? 99% of the world CARES ABOUT OTHERS?! Okay, so Compassion was my second highest but out of the averages for IT, Compassion was last... Coders who had users who don't know what their requirements are other than "Easy to use", IT help desk people who have eaten their headsets because of people who JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT...

Okay, I'm going to stop right there before this gets ugly with lots of profanity in l33t. 

Whoa... Analytical AND Creative... Hmmm. Bet they don't see that combo too often. I'm so epically individual. :D

So if you can read my images (That I've actually put on Flickr this time... You know, last post, wear a suit, make a big exit... More on that later.) You should be able to see that I put Visionary a couple of times on there, before I realised just how hard it was to write on a wall with chalk (and that the requirements did actually specify to do it on the ground.. Aw come on..).

A Visionary Person. What's the dictionary in my head got to say about that? Well, something about "Willing to see and implement concepts and process that are different to the norm, that they believe will make the world better." So let's break this down for all those folks who still believe I can't make an sentence. 
"Willing to see" - These are people see the world for it's problems. It's things that they don't agree with, they do not own rose coloured spectacles, and don't like people who can accept things for the way the are if they have to make compensations. Er.. Hm.. Sorry I meant compromises, I was thinking about... Something else.  
"and implement" - They are willing to force the changes to exist. Sometimes they know what they need to do, sometimes they don't... Either way, their willing to do it
"Concepts and processes that are different from the norm" - Good visionaries don't mind getting heckled when they have a good idea that they've fulling put themselves into. Einstein was laughed at by other Physicists, Galileo was said to be mad. When people have proof and drive.. They are like a cat with a laser, they will eat you if they cannot have the laser.
"That they believe will make the world better." - Now here's the hard thing to believe, visionaries have peoples' best interests at heart, they think the world will be improved with whatever they are going to do.

Wait, how is that anything like me??  Well, yeah, I don't like the way the world works, but I don't really have an ideas to make it better. Except my couple of  protocols like "Selective Host Interface Transfer" Protocol, the first protocol ever that you can't abbreviate. (Opposite to Better Approach To Mobile Adhoc Networking, cause EVERYONE wants that abbreviated.) So yeah, I have some visions that temporary adhocs and data transfer can be done better, but it pains me to know, that in my field I can make a difference, but I can't really make a difference to the quite literally billions of people earning lest then US$2 a day.. That makes me a VERY sad panda. And I don't feel good enough for the planet... That my Purpose (Sorry, saw avenue Q on Saturday and have been talking deep stuff ever since.) seems useless in the great scheme of things, then I realise this 

There are 6 BILLION people in this world and I know one of them, or the decendant of one of them will be visionary enough to make the REALLY big changes that will improve life on this planet... 

While me? I'll be waiting in the wings to give them internet for porn...

Exams: They happened... They were all pretty boring... May have screwed up one, maybe two, maybe all three. But after sex and death... SERIOUSLY... I can't think of any more beneficial advice I can give you apart from show up and skim the lecture notes at some point.

Sadly however, for some of you this may be the last time you ever hear of me, personally I'm thinking Johnathan will win, but all the other blogs are fantastic I really hope that people have gotten  lot out of them as much as we have writing them. But with 16 votes I must face the fact that I have a very niche audience, whom I hope to cater occasionally for, and looking forward to seeing what other Ethics comities Murdoch actually has. And how easily I can annoy them. But I won't be directly linked to Murdoch so they can't complain YAY!

I've had a few laughs and I'd like to take this moment to look back on some of these great posts that have made me so proud...




Who is proof reading this?! Seriously, no wonder it has no readers, it has no grammer. Or spell checking.

So I've wasted your time and I thank you so much for doing so. Please keep visiting irregulary for more disturbia.

Now, the staff running the competition have allowed us to decimate campus with chalk body outlines so as a special Graffiti of the week I decided that one of them should be a little more realistic...

 I guess whoever this was... (Takes off sunglasses) Knew too much...


Sunday, November 8, 2009

7 hours late, it will matter to this post, but it wouldn't to the job. Assign Three

My blog does not represent the views of Murdoch or any of its affiliates. All posts are NOT to be taken seriously and are written only for entertainment purposes. 

I apologise to a group of people nice enough to give me a job last year, before realising that was a big mistake.

Like statelines, banklines, and ABC's Lateline, Deadlines are imperceptible lines in the sands that humans make as an attempt to control the lives of the people around them in order so that the actions of the people around them are more controlled, predictable and trustworthy so that nothing may surprise them.

So I will rebel. I will write this post and submit it past the due date, making it appear before all the actual legitimate entries on the live feed.

What totally did not happen is I forgot that this was suppose to be in several hours ago. Totally did not happen.

It's kind of ironic, this was the post I was looking forward to most of all but after getting 218 in and having quite a full weekend, I now have no chance of attending some music event listen to a bunch of music I don't know, get bored, get out my Sansa and start listening to other music over 200 years old or their remixes. Sigh. Such is life.

After currently looking for a part time job for the past ten months, it's allowed me a lot of time to think about the actual job I wanted to do, but if you've been following this blog, or at least know me a little bit, you'll understand why I'm still unemployed. No mother, it's NOT cause I'm lazy... Okay well kind of, let me explain...

Ideal job description: Technical work, fun group of enthusiastic geeks, with some stereotype qualities, in dingy little basement, informal attire, LANs second Tuesday of every 3rd month, or whenever there's not a lot to do, must bring offering of movie, music and TV shows to apply. People who don't know Boxxy is need not apply.

Actually, I'd have to be allowed to kill Boxxy, but at least I know who she is. Okay actually, let forget Boxxy, she's had way too much attention given to her anyway, letgo with "People who don't know the origin or Caturday, or that the pool is closed or that for great justice they should launch of every zig."

I had a Technical support last year. A dream come true, fixing computers in a real business environment, learning actual business processes and what really happens in a IT department. But it was apparent after a short time that this would not be smooth sailing. It was the group of people I was with. I don't relly want to offend them, it was just me being a dick and thinking that they'd all have a similar background, and a lot of the time talk in meme's. Or at LEAST know the basics of the 802.16 protocol stack.. SERIOUSLY. Argh.

  • They won't look at me confused if I ask them to do a barrel roll, or if they do are doing so to quote Tom Green.

They were from the real world. They had relationships, they worked hard, they only came to work to work, grab a job from the top of the list, go do it, rinse repeat...All the jobs were to similar. Go reghost this computer, go reghost that one... This isn't fun! This is work! This is repeditive! This is crap! This music is Metalica... ALL THE MUSIC IS GODDAMN MATALICA. ALL MATALICA MUSIC SOUNDS THE SAME!

  •  indie\techno in background
  • If there is a problem, fix it/determine it, rather than just straight reghosting the machine. I am aware this takes more time but, don't you feel better that you've solved it.

AH. To assume makes and ass out of u and me, but seriously, it made an ass out of me. From what I'd got at uni, IT seemed all about just socialising, the actual fact you were at a work place  seemed just an add on, computer problems were still there and you still had to go work on them (you just go that assume joke now, didn't you??)

  • all calls made by users who can't be bothered calling the actual help desk, calls pick up after third ring
  • There is a list on the wall of peopleusers who will treat you like crap
I wanted to know how the network was constructed. As my email signature says "I am a networking GOD!" and the one this I wanted to see was logical network topology map, partially cause I'd get a kick out of seeing an actual network topolgy map, partially so I could reconstruct it in Packet Tracer, find  vulnerability a perform a DDoS attack when I was dismissed. (Don't send an FU email to select members of management, you may THINK it'll make you feel good, but it makes you feel worse, and even more guilty that you're pinching a monitor.) But MOSTLY to REALLY know the system I was dealing with, to understand how it all worked, the few times I came over network issues, I'd wished that I could actually tell what ACLs were on the switches, and why the print servers were going slow, and what was that computer in the server room with the ascii art screen saver. That is awesome. In my last few weeks there I found out there was a linux server somewhere, I couldn't see it and that annoyed me, I know I wouldn't have access to it, but knowing it was that would make me feel more knowledgeable about the place I work and be able to apply what I learnt at uni to the real world. Those Cisco exams gotta get me somewhere.
  • I wanna be told how my work, works.
  • I would love to be somewhere a bit higher up than technical support
Sure it's fun fixing problems, but after taking  replacement keyboard somewhere, finding that the plug on the original keyboard is lose, cleaning the contact, reconnecting it, wiping down the keyboard, and trudging back to the office for the 20th time in 3 months, I just felt like when I wanted to solve a problem, I wanted to really be a big problem. There was a time during my time there, although I wasn't actually working that day, I found out about it, when the ENTIRE network went down. Now that's the problem I want to fix. The admins had there own special room, seemed to just talk alday and just watch the network from a higher level, doing cool tasks like managing GPO's and drawing on a white board, studying for some future upgrades. That's the place I want to be, an master of my domain (ZING! That works on like FIVE levels!). True Responsibility.
  • A managing position, but not actually managing people, just the backbone of the organisation.

This job does actually seem to exist, Kind of..It's a sys admin. My dream job. Although the corporation would have to be damn sweet.

Money is not an issue (But it is nice to know the median sys admin salary is $90,000+). If the people were nice. The job not too serious. I'd happily put in extra hours for no pay, just to spend time, in  position where I have a huge resposibility, but not for people.

I'd just like to state that one more time. I'm not a very people person. I like to be in a management position, but I'm not one of those people that a large group automatically respects and trusts their decision.

Lastly as a sort of add on, Sys Admin's, although most of you won't believe this, get to be creative, now I'm no song writer, author or artist, but I do love to do my own thing (Try and find a structure to this post and you're doing well. Try and find a correctly grammatically structured sentence and you're doing even better.) Sys admin's get to problem solve, and find a solution that they think best, and that's the one that people adopt, people don't like you all of sudden, but you get authority that the choices you make have a background of prior knowledge to them and therefore they accept it as the best, even if it isn't.

"IS IT GOOD FOR THE COMPANY?" I don't know, but it amuses me the most. I probably a monarchist wanting to look down on people. Hey, 99% of the time PICNIC or PEBCAK! Please ask what the acronyms mean in the comments, I'd love some comments to my posts.

Oh and Sys Admins HAVE THEIR OWN DAY. Last Friday of July every year I'm so taking off...
and trust me, I will have earned it

Graffiti of the week: