It's great to stroll into Murdoch, feeling all confident, towering above the timid and awed new comers full of confidence. Knowing where you've going and feeling a similar feeling to the one I got in year 12. Of being all senior and ruling the campus.
Except for the fact that I'm shorter than most of them. And I couldn't find Library 2.008. And anybody who looked a bit lost and I tried to help were Postgrads who'd been coming to Murdoch for at least four years. But at least I've still got my self confidence!
And then that went when I realised the reason "Library 2.008" doesn't exist is because LB means Loneragan Building.
I still get lost. I still get confused in MyMurdoch (Although not as much as it appears staff get confused with Calista.). I still believe the food in the refectory is edible.
and circumstance has me in third year and not knowing anything. Three years. Phew. Three years since I walked into the library with the same fake confidence and goofy smile that adorns my Student card to this day. Setting out my timetable for my first year. Flaming on my first unit based message board. Good Times.
Three years since I entered "2010" as 'Estimated Graduation date' And went "Gosh, three years and this could be all over. Three years seems like such a long way away." And now it's the beginning of the end. It's now a few weeks before I need to start applying for grad programs, rather than 'Ages'. A month before I take a test to get Cisco Certification, rather than 'When it's an issue' A week before I need to install Linux rather than 'Dude, most networks have one Linux server, that's supporting a bunch of ADs and an Exchange, I'll support them instead.'
Round about 293 days (Cause, Like always, IT exams are left till last. Typical.) and... It'll be over.
I guess I'm getting nostalgic because I've really had nothing else to do (depending on who you ask, if you ask my mum she say I should study for my exam (But it's A MONTH away!) if you ask my sisters' "Get a job." Hey I still have money in the bank. Earning interest (They still put interest on amounts under a dollar, right? If you ask my housemates you'd most likely hear 'Clean up your room it's filthy' to which I would reply 'So is yours!' to which at least one of them would respond 'That's not the point, you asked if you had anything to do.').
It's also been approximately two years since I wrote three hundred words onto an email labeled 'Blog Audition' Which, when I look back now probably would have been smarter to work on my foundation essay's intro. But if I done more work on that, I would of got a Distinction on my foundation unit and that's it. Okay, that would mean my GPA would be a bit better than it currently is. and OKAY it would mean that I wouldn't have to work as hard this year to be eligible for some of the grad programs I'm applying for but that's irrelevant. I've got TWO YEARS free parking out of this blog. Show me the essay that'll provide that and I'll show you a disbelieving look.
And now, they're nicely asking me to continue posting as an endorsed blogger meaning I'll be linked somewhere on the Murdoch site, (maybe here the awesome thing is no one is attaching tags to their posts, so hopefully by the end of the year the first page of the feed will be all mine.) Because apparently the few people watching the bloggers still think I'm funny. Personally, I think it's the only way they think the only way I won't start posting slander is to keep me linked to the site but it's a big ask if they think I'm not going to start posting about
Anyway, I would also like to take the opportunity now, to new students reading this. I am an experienced blogger, IT student. I will attempt to make you laugh if you don't mind reading posts longer than 140 characters? Kapeesh? Feel free to read some of my old experiences with the same rose coloured filter that I hope you one day look back at your time here at Murdoch with. The same rose coloured filter that enables you to ignoring spelling mistakes. Feel free to comment, or send in your own graffiti of the week (Graffiti that you've seen, around uni preferably, that stands out among the badly drawn genitalia.)
Graffiti of the week unfortunately has been very scant this O Week. However, it is noteworthy (Damn, that is nearly the most awesome word ever, it's like saying, 'Completely unrelated but I'm going to tell you anyway') is all the willie wagtails now pissed cause humans are invading the space they've owned since mid November.
So again, I will have to take from the vast majority I have seen in more public settings
"Some people do this for fun, I do it so the cleaners have something to do"
So Until I get banned from the network, or graduate, good day.