Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chat with random

Random: Hey, are you that blogger, that does disorderly accounts of uni life?
Lachlan: Well, the title IS copyrighted, but I'll let you off this once
R:Anyway, I notice you haven't posted in a while, what have you been doing
L:Well, finishing assignments, attempting study, just trying to pass semester one uni, tis all.
R:You signed an agreement, dude.
L:HEY, I sign a lot of things, I didn't know they were going to put the photos into an art museum, I just thought they were going to deliver them to me like normal.
R:Did you..?
L: Che?
R: Nevermind, um, so, you going to POST ever again?
L: HELL YEAH! or otherwise someone from student services will hunt me down and do unspeakable things to my frontal lobe.
R: ouch.
L:EXACTLY, so I'm planning "Project Hinenburg"
R: WHAT? Your going to light a bunch of gas vapours and kill a bunch of people?
L: No, I'm just...
R: Building a new type of air ship, to invite people on, light a bunch of gas vapours and let people fall to there doom??
L: NO, I'm just planning on posting a lot of blogs during semester break?
R:Oh, so why are you calling it "Project Hinenburg" Why don't you just post a note on your blog saying "I'll be writing a buch of posts in a few weeks."
L:Cause I want it to be a suprise.
R:You know what, i'm just going to go ahead and hit you now.

L:AHA! YOU THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY PERSON WHOSE TRIED TO HIT ME?? THAT'S WHY I WEAR THIS BULLET PROOF VEST! Um, you might want to get that hand looked at, I don't think it's suppose to bend like that....


Project Hindiburg commencing soon! Eight Blogs! Eight Weeks! One Winner!


Kacy said...

I am glad I am not the only one in fear for my frontal lobe

Chat Roulette said...

That's great! thanks for sharing...very nice post, welcome!