Saturday, March 20, 2010

My life for the previous three weeks. And rude comments I would of liked to make at those events.

My blog does not represent the views of Murdoch or any of its affiliates. All posts are NOT to be taken seriously and are written only for entertainment purposes.

So I know what you're thinking.

"Laaaaaaaachlaaaaaaan, why didn't you write that blog post for that competition?""

"Laaaaaaaachlaaaaaaan, why haven't you started that assignment that's due in 24 hours?"

"Laaaaaaaachlaaaaaaan, why haven't you fixed the washer in the bathroom?"

"Laaaaaaaachlaaaaaaan! Put on some clothes!"

1. I was busy. And for once, I can actually say I was busy.

2.  It'll get done. it's only 200 words Seriously. 200 words. That's less words than the word count of one of my run on sentences in this post.. And your wrong, not only have I filled in the Murdoch cover page, I've picked out a font for my title, so it's pretty much done.

3. It means going in the shed and going into that box that's covering the water meter, both of which have inhabitants that can kill me if I annoy them.

4. How... How can you see me? Well, I guess I know how my current stalkee feels. That is, very self conscious.

Sigh, sadly there isn't a current stalkee, but, as always, there is some great potential out there.

But, before I start getting calls from my sister and other concerned friends about my courting habits (can you believe in TheFreeDictionary, one of the definitions of "Courting" is... 'woo' I thought woo was a fake word, like, I dunno, 'unfriend' or 'shovel-ready' (although, in the same year that 'unfriend' got word of the year, the word 'teabagger' got defined as someone who supports conservative politics. Yeah, those lexicographers don't know feces.).), I'd like to back to the first point in that I was 'busy.' and, if point two is anything to go by, it wasn't doing assignments. Well, at least not for one particular unit. 

I was busy doing other things over the previous few weeks. Other things, which I have said in this blog before, have screwed up my work in some units. Well, it's happening again, but I'm getting better. 

1. Failing
2. Going to a wedding
3.  Seeing sister & brother-in-law who are usually in Melbourne
4.  Got way too contemplative
5. Thinking about writing the blog post I didn't make the deadline for
6. Thinking about applying for grad programs
7. Working

1. I failed my CCNA. Which led to point 4. Okay, so Cisco are this company who make lots of networking equipment for businesses. They have become a de-facto (another word which shouldn't be real.) standard in the networking world for what network engineers should know about networking. They have various tests and accreditation for showing how much you know. CCNA is a general one, you aren't a REAL expert on anything, but you know a huge collection of generally best network practices. I'm in my third year of uni doing networking. This test was testing stuff I'd done in two first year units. And I failed. Epically. Their grading system is a little weird but I believe I got 60% and I should of got 85%.

2. Two people said I do. A group of people watched them first base. And everybody applauded. 

In one society (I believe it was either early catholic church, or the Mayan's. I mean, they're so similar I have trouble telling them apart.) They would of had to perform their first act of consumation as husband and wife in front of the audience. For some reason, after every wedding, I try to bring this up as a point of idle conversation and it never goes down well. I know what they're going to do tonight. You know they're going to do tonight. Why can't it be a topic of discussion. In a mature way, of course. After all I'm twenty, and as much as I want to yell out "Boom-chicka-wow-wow" during a wedding cerimony, I'm mature enough to fake that I'm more mature that I am (Yes, that's the big secret of wisdom coming with age, you just learn to shut up more often.). I mean as much as the church hate sex now they do have a great law. "Within the Catholic Church, a marriage that has not yet been consummated, regardless of the reason for non-consummation, can be dissolved by the Pope." That my friends, is awesome. If there is a sex-less marriage, it's no longer a marriage. And I don't care that I'm sourcing Wikipedia.

3. I should really call them, I haven't heard from them since they left. At Perth Airport there's a vending machine with chocolate bars that expired in 2008. True story. Just pass the elevators up to the first floor of the domestic terminal, there's a vending machine, buy a Cadbury Whip. Check the date. Lols. Must make them watch this video. Watched it? HOW AWESOME IS THAT? Rube Goldberg is the best procrastinator ever.

4. You see, the problem with failing this test, is it made me thing whether in the right field again. But again, I don't know anything else. I'm not spectacular at anything, I'm just average at a lot of things. a 50 - 60% in most things rather than a 90%  in one thing and 10% in everything else. So yes, I could switch subjects, but I know I'm enjoying my networking units more than anything, and the occasional Distinction does come up, it's just annoying being only okay at everything. 60% for my CCNA, I'm actually pretty impressed with, but I need 85. It will happen, one day. Eventually. $300 to sink into a test I know I only may pass sucks though. Which leads me into point 6.

5. So sue me. Although, the things I want to tell people about before coming to uni are mainly about toilets and the topology of Murdoch uni's network so people lose interest. Seriously though, it's like a partial-mesh star with an inconsistent addressing scheme and web servers all over the place, with no standards.

6. I've been very hesitant about applying for grad programs. My grades aren't great. My self esteem is really through the floor right now. I don't feel like I'm worthy of moving interstate for a fun job with people who might understand why I'm excited about GNS 3.   And plus I've got to write an essay for the public sector ones, and that's no fun. I have heard from a friend at uni that he keeps getting rejected an hour after submitting. And that sounds an unpleasant experience, I mean, I know you don't get anywhere if you don't try. And I know, from Southbound, rejections just make acceptation all the more worthwhile. Soon. I will. Before they start closing.

7. The one silver lining that has happened in the previous few weeks, is thanks to a lot of unfortunate circumstances for Lesmerdie SHS, I have been employed two days a week in their IT department, doing general IT stuffs. AND I'M ENJOYING IT MORE THAN FREO. I'm getting work done, I'm going late to lunch, all because I'm enjoying the work I'm doing, I haven't learnt to go in ontime, due to the stupid Roe Highway offramp to Welshpool road, but.. I'm getting money again, and I just want to re-iterate, that I'm enjoying it, getting paid, solving problems. And if I'm still there in a couple of months will be involved in a wireless roll-out, I don't care that in all networking units "Wireless is terrible" because this might be the first networking upgrade that I'm involved with. And currently the head of the department is even trusting me with configuring the equipment. And if all that goes smoothly, I don't care how many times I fail my Cisco, even though I shouldn't fail it again.


Graffiti of the week.

Ah, the Education block shows the teachers of tomorrow, are observant, polite and legible.

While I am normally happy at the opportunity to leave my mark on any institution I attend, I'm disappointed to know that it always ends up something like this rather than a plaque with my name on. Ah well, People see stuff like this more often that reading silly plaques. I'm sure Walter Murdoch would be proud. Maybe. If he's not rolling in this grave.

Until I get banned from the network, or accepted into a grad program. Good bye.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

20 Years closer to death

My blog does not represent the views of Murdoch or any of its affiliates. All posts are NOT to be taken seriously and are written only for entertainment purposes.

Firstly, I'm now 20.
If there's one thing that gets me annoyed enough to look down on someone and make that funny "Hmmmm" noise, that I learnt off my sister when I did something that embarrassed her (See: Previous 19 years of my existance.) , it's people who say "x years young" as if being that age is a bad thing. As I enter my 7,305th day on this planet it's made me realise that I've stuffed the majority of them up (I mean, the first several hundred I'm not proud of at all.). But that's the fantastic thing about age. The more you live. The more you see the more you know. I believe the word adults use is 'mature,'  when humans use their prior knowledge to benefit their current situation. It's brilliant to be old. Okay, my heart may have only beat roughly 631,138519 times, so it's still pretty fit (And I've eaten a high fat diet, to make it strong by having to push round lots of cholesterol.), but I have experienced so little (What do you mean "That's not how a healthy heart works" ?).

Age = Experience. Be proud of how old you are. Whether you are 7, or 5.089*e*7, you should be proud that you know more than you did last birthday.

Oh I also hate when people say "Have a great day."  Seriously. I have 364 other days to live until my next birthday. You're limiting me to ONE GOOD DAY in that time?!

"Damn, did as much work as I did on Wednesday."
"Yeah, but it's okay cause it's your birthday"
"Yeah, but there's still work to do"
"GTFO. You're doing nothing and that's final"

Brain Wins!

And now, onto today's topic, some assistance for new students.

Lecturer's. They're people too.

Take a look at this man.

Let us pretend, for arguments sake that he is a lecturer. And that he totally doesn't have a Facebook page. And that he's totally not going fail me next semester for using his face without his permission.

There we go, that's better.

Anyway, rudeness to the most awesome (and tolerant.) lecturer I've had so far at Murdoch aside, lecturers, lab technicians, tutors. All there to help you, each one is different so will like being contacted in different ways. Some will like being asked straight after a lecture or a lab

(But most will have another class to go to, in 99% of cases, the Tavern.),

some will like a face to face booking in their office

(Searching their name in the Murdoch search engine will normally bring back enough details to find them or telephone them. Searching for my name, however, brings up results on anatomy, algae and 'Sudden Death.' (I didn't know that my personal life was kept on Murdoch servers...))

Some will like an email though LMS.

(Learning Management System, which are a set of editable pages that each unit have access to, these include (but are selected by unit co-ordinators for what features actually are available for each unit.) Message Boards, Assessments (Usually used for online quizzes and sometimes exams. Both my Introduction to Networking and Wireless Networking, have had their exams through this system the year I participated in those units, they have since swapped back to traditional exams as far as I know. This is coincidence.), Assignments (for traditional assignment submission rather than needing to go to uni at midnight to find a pigeon hole, only to find yourself locked with 30 others who forgot to apply for after hours access.), various other tools for monitoring students behavior (Sadly, I'm serious, there are tools which monitor log ins for how often they access the LMS system, and what they do while they are on there.), an announcement system (A system to enable the unit co-ordinator/lecturer to yell at all the students at once "NO. ASSIGNMENT ONE HAS NOT BEEN MARKED YET. IT WAS DUE YESTERDAY."

And finally, a mail system. Which allows easy searching of all enrolled students, lecturers, lab assistance and unit co-ordinators for easy contact.

* Use this system rather than the email listed in the campus directory, 99% of the mail sent to the email addresses listed in the campus directory are filtered. i.e. No matter how many times you try they will not receive any emails from any lists you sign them up to. Well, at least it doesn't appear so cause I never got the referrers discount on... never mind.
* Make your email concise and to the point. e.g.

 "I do not understand the term "" on slide 23 on the week three lecture"


"Dear Sir/Madame,

123 Careden Road

Looking forward to hearing from you.

All the best,

Maurece Moss"

* Ask one question an email when you have 3 questions. Over the space of five minutes.
* Do not expect a reply to your email 5 minutes after its sent. At Midnight. On Sunday of the study week. 24 Hours before the assessment is due.
*If there is a message board, don't ask a question that everybody is probably wanting to ask, such as 'Is there a week one tutorial'
*Check ALL  announcements

And some lecturers like to be contacted by carrier pidgeon. On discovery this fact apply for an exemption from this unit. Or change out of your arts degree. ZING!

Your lecturers are underpaid to teach you. To pass you. Get your money's worth by making sure you understand a topic while you are learning it. Ask questions during lectures.

Oh and just as a side point, Do not apologise for interrupting their other duties in their life at the beginning of each email. They're lecturer's they have no lives. Well, actually it's just that they are suppose to read your email, so you aren't interrupting them from anything.

Side point 2: If you see your lecturer in public, do not use that as an excuse you should of asked in the tute.

Side point 3:

Dear Student, You have been successfully enrolled as a student in the Class named: ICT362/672 S1 2010

Welcome! Mike Dixon

Side Point 4: If you do ever find out the 'email all' email, please forward to me, this blog needs more readers

Side Point 5: MITS Lan 12th March (Sean, I've got the idea for the next event, the universities largest simultaneous barrel roll.) 

THIRDLY. As an endorsed blogger, assignments are back, next blog "Things I'd Wish I'd Known When I Started Uni" - Expect lots of copy paste.


Dear Murdoch Promotions Commitee,

Mr Payne is awesome. Very, VERY awesome.

From, The collective students of ICT102 S1 2008.

FIVETHLY Do you like seakips?


Eventually. I'm getting to it, see we're up to Graffiti of the Week?

Again, I don't have anything good, so here is a picture of sherbet that I find quite interesting. Send me some people!

Until banned from the network, or removed from Christian Payne's friends list,

Good Bye.