Monday, April 14, 2008

last night cramming

Unless you're a student who is going on to do honours or a doctorate, you've probably spent many sleepless nights, completing, expanding, or just starting assignments the night before they're due.

For all those who haven't experienced the adreinilen pump that is "The Cram" boy, are you missing out. For my recent foundation unit essay, I began this time honoured tradition that I though would have stopped the second i got into uni, so you who have been persuaded to do MasterClass can experience all the fun:

3 pm: Got home from uni, had a snack.
3.45 pm: Thought the first snack was pretty good, so had another.
4.40 pm: Realised that essay was due tomorrow. In rage kicked chair.
6.00 pm: Omitted from St John of Gods hospital with a minor bone fracture.
7.15 pm: Turned on computer.
8.30 pm: Stopped playing Worms.
9.35 pm: Stopped playing Call of Duty 4.
9.46 pm: Started Word.
9.47 pm: Had a snack.
10.05 pm: Woke up from snoozing in chair.
10.06 pm: Cleaned snack from pants.
10.10 pm: Realised had 12 hours, 20 minutes to do assignment.
10.25 pm: Stopped playing Call of Duty 4.
11.15 pm: Finished intro.
11.16 pm: Threw intro in bin, realised it was recipe for snack.
11.37 pm: Started essay.
2.56 am: Finished essay.
3.01 am: Realised bone fracture classified as doctors certificate.
10.25 am: Got extention.
10.31 am: Fell asleep in tutorial.

Grafetti of the (last three) week(s)

(bottom of aids awareness poster)


I thought it was funny. Obviously not. Oh well. Somebody send me some, I can only go in guy's toilets. Well, I can go in girls but the restraining orders are still valid. HONESTLY, I was just wondering if they had urinals!

So, Untill I get banned for the network (or posting infrequently enough)



Kacy said...

hahaha. Very funny. Great post!

Anonymous said...

mostly very boring and trite. no need to try so hard. have no idea why they wanted you to write this thing. I would have been far better