Saturday, April 19, 2008

w00t! Holidays!

I always thought the beginning of holidays (or at uni called a "Study break" but seriously, I say Ta-mah-to weirdos say To-Mar-to.) was like the end of season cliff hanger for some soapie. Seriously, you're sitting there lecturer says "see you in a week" and than it kicks in that have a few days off, then it kicks in you don't know what the heck is due at the end of it. So you stare into the middle distance while you decide if you should go home, or go find your lecturers. (Trust me, they'll nearly ALWAYS be there. What's so special about doing a PhD anyway? It's just an essay which somebody decided to have a ridiculously high word limit. They end the same as a 1,000 word essay. "My statement was correct 'cause I nicked, sorry, referenced, it from someone else.") Meanwhile, while your brain was going through all this the lecturer has since left the theatre, turned the light out and you don't know where the exit is and yes, the air conditioning in KBLT (This week, will be referenced to as Kicked BeLow The belt.) NEVER TURNS OFF. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME. IT'S FREAKIN' COLD IN THERE. ALWAYS. They should sell jumpers at Kajini, they'd make a fortune.

Back to the occasionally referenced centeral topic. (If you're reading this Mr Hunter, yes my tangents are always. AND grammatically incorrect!) This time, I went home. I mean there is another 9 toes to fracture if something due on the 28th. So now I've read pages of unit outlines and course details to find what's due. My advice to you (WOW. SOMETHING USEFUL IN A BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) is draw up a time table each semester and mark when stuff is due. I did it, it's fantastic, I can know exactly when to organise my excuses.

Inconclusively, I would like to state this blog was a failed attempt at combining three non related jokes. Thank you my devoted fan!

******************Stop scroll readers who just want "Graffiti of the week"*************

It's hard to find good graffiti when your not at uni, So I searched around at home and found the only written thing I could.

Shopping list for 26th Feb.
1x 500g Choc Chips
2x 4L of Prune juice
1x Pineapple
5x Tequila 1.25L
Some potato chips. <----- that was one AWESOME weekend.

**Note: anyone who objects to me using the word "freakin'" Please send an email to with the subject "word use complaint" If three email are recieved I will remove all uses and not use such words in the future. Unless the email are sent by Jamie Potts. In that case, Go to hell (Or at least Jamieland.).

Untill I get banned from the network, or sued for copywrite infringment, or run out of prune juice,

good bye.

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