My blog does not represent the views of Murdoch or any of its affiliates. All posts are NOT to be taken seriously and are written only for entertainment purposes.
The Good News! In second and third year, you only have to do 3 units, instead of 4!
The Bad News! They're harder!
The Worse News! My Link's back up!
The Worst News! The current first year blogger page will be changed to a second year bloggers page, meaning I'm going to be there for another year, and scored another parking permit, which I really haven't earned.
So, you claim you wish to hear about how my uni life is going?
Well let's get the boring but necessary things out of the way first, units are harder, but more interesting.. Do Cyber Forensics.. 7 assessments but worth it.
And now the more important things. There's new bins!
Why do I know this is important? It was commented on by the GUILD!! Strangely enough, one of the few groups who haven't yet tried to ban me from uni. And you know when new bins are a hotter topic then an awesome blog you know they have some weird priorities. Well, I guess I'm not the highest paid blogger in Australia.
So what exactly is the guild?
The guild is a group of students that help with making sure the students get treated fairly. So the idea is in the right place. They help disadvantaged students with any problems they are experiencing with uni such as finance, unfair grading, and they built a nice common room hidden next to the gym for students to chill on comfy chairs, get some free essentials that they might of run out of, recharge their laptops and make out. (Can somebody make a sign for this. Imagine, walking along, walking along, walking along, walking along, ohh, comfy chairs! Let's go in there! Oh.
They have multiple programs, fund raisers and organise some really fun events.
Now can I start the slander?
Oh please?!
How bout now? Keep it light? hmmph. Okay.
It's just you have three options.
Financial member. Only tick this option if you like coffee. And don't mind supporting on campus coffee.
Free Member. It's like saying to the guy fund raising for Panda rights "I like what you're doing, it's just I'm a uni student with no money."
Not A Member. "Screw you guys, that building could be used for more important things, and I lost at Assassin, so guess what I'm not going to have anything to do with you!"
But I mean, my opinion of them is based on the fact that I didn't really care that our semester got shorter or that the top guy of the uni (Vice Chancellor) wanted more money. Money can't buy happiness, he's lonely and wanted something to make him happy.
Heh, Heh, VC's a loner. So First Yearer's don't feel so bad, the head of the school can't make freinds, I mean he gets paid $750,000 a year but I bet he doesn't know where ECL2.005 (level two of the big block beside the learning common, second floor, go in the sliding door that is closest to the guild/amenities building, first door on the right.) is either. Someone should photoshop him to look like Gargemel from "The Smurfs"
What's that? Yeah, I know I've already gone on about the Guild and last years addiction to the VC in an older blog, but it's something first yearers need to know.
Also everyone is approachable, lecturers, tutors, students, that girl I'm stalking doing accounting.
Second Year is only different cause the lecturers, tutors, students and that girl I'm stalking doing accounting is expecting more out you, after all, you past first year, so you're wanting to be here for the long haul. You'll need to do more work, but hey, you'll learn some good stuff.
Graffiti of the week: Now bigger, better and with fewer calories!
"Ah my first Murdoch crap for the year, it's good to be back."
Now you know the real high class faculty you're dealing with.
dear that girl doing accounting. Can you give me your ACTUAL timetable this time? I didn't see you in Wildlife Biology, BIO317, cause you weren't there and you aren't doing it.
Wow, you're creepy! What a spokesperson you are for Murdoch University!
I write this blog not as a representative of Murdoch, but as a student.
So you can shut up, damn right I'm creepy and proud to be so, you can't talk, you're probably very boring.
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