Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The NEW Murdoch home page!!!!!1

My blog does not represent the views of Murdoch or any of its affiliates. All posts are NOT to be taken seriously and are written only for entertainment purposes.

Murdoch has a new home page. And a new ad.

It's a cleaner, more organised look aiming to promote the university, rather than the old one which... whatever that did.

There are a couple of interesting things with this

1stly, the old ad as well as the old website made me feel like an idiot. I'm serious. I know I am an idiot, but its hard with an ego like mine to actually feel like you are an idiot. The thing is, the main basis of the ad and the various flash media around the page was, in my opinion preaching "We only accept people here if you have a good idea, and would love to not just get a degree, but do post grad and improve the world." Sure, I feel like I have good ideas, but with a mixture of C and P s in my results page, I felt like I didn't get to the required standard that Murdoch should think I should be, if I was attending their university.

Interestingly, the thing they are pushing currently is now a "free thinking" point of view. It now looks like that they're pushing "You all think differently, unleash the power of your free thinking on one of our courses." Which, in my opinion is a lot more positive. It makes me feel that those time that I didn't think enough for an assignment, or I didn't think the right way during an essay, that my tutor wants to kill me, but I'm going to a university that really doesn't mind. That I'm not too stupid for uni. That "I'm only one person, but I've got to try and do something.." It's just a pitty that the ad doesn't tell me what I've got to do.

Secondly, there's an interesting fact, 90% of the students of Murdoch don't know the site has changed, in firing up a browser on campus, you are guided to the "Current Students" Page, which has not changed. Someone in web design hasn't really done all that they could. There's now three types of Murdoch page, based on how old it was when the page was originally made, the new look has only been applied to the home and select pages off the homepage, pretty much what I'm trying to say, the entire SITE, needs an overhaul, and I can't wait till they do, cause from an IT point of view, it's all really a mess.

Speaking of overhaul, I notice something very sad.

No "First Year Blogger" link. Its very sad, I know its been an ENTIRE month since I posted my last post (move has gone well, though, we've even decked it out with a few new things to make the place more homely. We put up a "Family Guy" poster in a place which our parents told us "Don't cause it's a fire hazard." The charred remains have been moved to the lounge room.) and Murdoch marketing department are probably pissed at us. I'm sorry, the sad thing is, second year hasn't got much harder, it's just things have gone wrong and life has gotten in the way of my uni stuff, which REALLY DOES SUCK. At $4,000 at semester I hope I can salvage the exams. I mean, it was never suppose to, I really WANT to do well at uni, it's just, not a big priority in my brain right now, I understand that it should be (I am actually doing quite well in two of my units, currently sitting on a couple of distractions.) I just have other stuff that gets in the way, which maybe described in my next post, which WILL BE UP NEXT WEEK. I promise.

Ah crap the timetable's gone up :(

Which means exams are soon.

Morel of the blog: Balance your life and you uni work early in the semester, in the first three weeks, things will take you by surprise, and try to plan for them, but I now have 43 hours to come up with 3,000 words. Meh, 1 word every 50 minutes, should be a cinch. Oh and also, if you want to pass ICT248, just learn how to use apostrophe's and Mr Boddington will think you're awesome. Do a bit of work now and then, but otherwise just prove that you can use apostrophes and that'll do.

I also would like to apologise about the MITS Lan. Sorry bout that, however, I found that the marketing department can put it in one of those weekly emails, so now all the staff can be told to come and "540w Off UR H4X0R 1337 SKIllZ @ M1+S LAN N3rdF35T5!!!!1 FTW!"

I have no excuse for having no graffiti of the week, other then not using the toilets at uni. But believe me, that's for the best.

PS Nicole, I have your Twilight DVD, come pick it up or something.

PPS How the hell can my sister think that she can make me sit through that?? SERIOUSLY PAINFUL. Sure it had vampires and a corny love story, but a movie is just not reputable if it has no zombies.


e-biz said...

Hey Lachlan,
We, the marketing team here, just wanted you to know that we are definitely not pissed at you, in fact we normally have you as our Friday afternoon entertainment!
Your links are still proudly there in Future Students and your traffic numbers are still healthy so we are still happy ;-)
Yep, we know the rest of the student facing website is pretty shocking, we're onto it and hope to be able to provide you with some useful stuff over the next few months (including a map of how to find stuff on there....).
Thanks for the comments on the ad, glad it meant more to you this time and you are totally right in the message translation...maybe you are studying the wrong subject?!
Hey - am I the first official commenter on your blog this semester?!

superuser said...

Not the first, but I do agree not many people comment.

Thank you for compliment (out of curiosity how are you working out traffic?) I think I will do a "how to" guide of the website. Seriously, it's nice to know that somebody is reading. And that something is happening with the website.

Glad I perform some function, even if it's only Friday entertainment.. :)