Monday, September 21, 2009

A very ego filled post from 2015. Try #1: All goes well, and I end up in a grad program I like.

My blog does not represent the views of Murdoch, Cisco Ltd., IBM, The Australian department of immigration or any of their affiliates.

This blogs opinion of people of Irish or Russian origin or the population of Madison, Wisonsin are not actual views of the blogger and were exclaimed by a freind while he was intoxicated. Honestly.

All posts are NOT to be taken seriously and are written only for entertainment purposes.

It's a beautiful Thursday, the sun is shining in a completely empty blue sky, I can hear the beach slowly coming in to the beautiful gold coast beach twelve stories below me, I can the salt water below is putting a, er, nice salty smell in the air, and the taste of this nutella straight from the jar is just that much sweeter knowing that I don't have work today, you'll find out why shortly. I could of actually laid in bed forever, staring at the celing had not Charlie started to play with my hair.

She's put on a bit a weight now, so she back to being quite healthy. Waking up and the first thing I see is someone else's eyes is no longer scaring me, but instead just a sweet reminder of how nice it is for the manager of my building to allow me to keep a pet rabbit in the apartment. Be able to say that my first home away from my parents has been this high rise apartment just a few streets back from the Gold Coast is a very awesome feeling, somehow, this place was in my budget when I was fresh out of uni and accepted into IBMs grad program for networking type stuff (you don't want to get me started on what I do, it is the reason I don't attend fancy dinner parties, all I'd talk about is layer two of the OSI model, which is of course the data link layer which encompasses all switching technologies and, you see? I'm terrible, I'm turning into one of those people who lives to work. But I love it.) which unfortunatly was only avalible in the terrible location of Queensland. As you've probably read in a post a fair while ago when I got this place, it's a 80's One bedroom apartment, but it is only a stone's throw away from the beach (although, if you do actually throw a stone, you've got a one in two chance of hitting a macca's.

It's interesting to think that it's now been 2 complete years since finishing my grad program, and it's already partway through this year, but I'm very glad I somehow scored a job here. I love the place, I love the people at work and I love the fact that I'm allowed to have very little social life apart from after hours on Friday (Unfortunatly, like IBM's latest spanning tree development, I'm not really legally allowed to talk about it without being hunted down and shot.)

and that brings us to the reason I contacted you all to read this (Mum, you can stop reading now, you know I'm alive and well and eating. Go.. Do something else now...)

Yeah, I have a hand in a cast...

Pretty much for the first time in my life I didn't just stick to the Midori's like I should of, and experimented with a few more interesting drinks. The guy's realising one of them could be exploited again (There is that other tale of Blake and some fun with a magic marker, which I have posted about several weeks ago at new years.) deciding to nicely walk me to my apartment decided to see if I could walk up my last flight of stairs unaccompanied soon saw me back around the landing they were on. With one of my hands on a very odd angle.

Thankfully, somebody managed to get me to the emergency room and everything got sorted out and I have a few weeks of. Without pay mind you. That sucks a bit.

But anyway, I feel pretty good concidering I can no longer give people the bird. But anyway. That's all that has happened in my very uneventful few weeks since my last post.

Grafitti of the week:

This comes from a toilet near the office I work in

Great advice...
Until I get banned from the network, or break another limb. Goodbye.

1 comment:

Saskia said...

"that means you tim" xD

At least with a cast you can have people write funny things on it~