Oh just vote for this already! Just click here! It takes about 3 seconds. You won't regret it, I'll reward you with cake...
Well, as you can see, I have a total of 10 people who read my status messages on Facebook, MSN and Gtalk.
Ten things. Ten absurd things that you should know about Murdoch that you won't find anywhere else. That I love.
Surely you think I can pull this off without annoying anybody. Well I guess I cooooould, but, where's the fun in that? Actually, this probably won't be one of those posts
1. I love the fact that there are rabbits (I could say a hundred other species, but I'm a big fan of vermin.) on campus, they only come out at night, and they freak out when humans are around.
2. I love that hidden on a Murdoch server is the BIGGEST dictionary of programming languages in the world. Seriously. No one else has done this. Yet it's not promoted anywhere, not linked on the Murdoch site, well, Diarmuid, finally your site can be revealed to another 5 people! CLICK THIS THING HERE AND IT'S ALL GOOD STUFF and with the type of people I get to visit this blog, it'll actually probably be used...
3. I love the fact that when sitting an exam, I can only remember the unit code, not the actual unit name. Except of course for ICT218. If you forget that unit name, you really haven't been paying attention.
4. I love the fact that there are lots of vending machines on campus, in place purely for the purpose of supplying energy drinks.
5. I love the face that the security crew come in during the Murdoch IT Society LANs and sit and watch stuff.
6. I love the fact that I've met people with similar passions to me, I have an absolute love for things people don't even understand and there are others, in fact, HEAPS of others.
7. Sadly, I love the fact that I have access to a huge collection of digital books and journal articles, meaning I can work on essays at 3am without going to uni. And these databases cost literally THOUSANDS of dollars for the uni to access, so seriously come here. ABUSE IT.
8. The couple of times my TAFE housemate has joined me going to a LAN, he can't believe what the campus is like. A SMALL, FREAKING CITY. There's a bank and two ATMs, (Cause the Ref doesn't have EFTPOS ;) ) There's a health center that has REAL nurses (and a whole lot of FREE services) there's a library with 4 levels, heaps of computers and an inbuilt cafe. It is the largest campus is Australia (I think?) It has it's own private police, who stand with speed guns, giving me evils... It is daunting at first but, you get to know you Schools area and feel in a community.
Most importantly, it has its' own pub. You know you'll have to go there eventually.
9. Sort of building on the last point, Murdoch has it's own Ontology. Damn you ICT256 (But do it anyway. You learn interesting things about learning and how we as humans organise knowledge.). A language. An environment heated with opinions and intelligence. People who are there for the purpose of discovering and who, in certain situations, almost understand one another. It isn't just a small physical world, it's a small society, if I say "ECL" to a person at a train station, they'll think I'm mad (although, if you say anything to a random at a train station they'll think you're mad.) but if I say it at Murdoch they'll understand I mean a series of buildings down the back that they'll rename to "ECLIT" if people didn't think that sounded like E-Clit, an electronic... Candle LIghTer.
10. The fact that I've scored 2 years worth of parking permit, meaning when I rock up late to uni it's still pretty easy finding a park, as they gave me the opportunity to start a blog and incentive to keep it relatively on topic , that a few people have enjoyed. And I've enjoyed writing.
In fact recently I was questioned by someone, where do I get the inspiration for the humor I include on this blog, I gave him a rather poor answer that I'll repeat now. The fact is, all the humor in the post was discovered as I was writing it this isn't a very good example but my infamous assignment timetable post, was done during an assignment, on the fly. Coming up with various ideas on things I'd prefer to be doing than writing the assignment. Or things I wouldn't mind happening. The actual ideas behind blog posts have mainly jumped out when I've thought "If i were back at O week, all the way back in 2008, (OKAY, it's only a year ago but I wanna get nostalgic here.) what would I wanna be told by future me." (One day I'm going to get us all together and when going to have a party. The only snag will be that everybody knows the anecdotes.) Or chatting with my sister, who looks fondly back at her time at... Curtin (as if that's physically possible. Although my other sister has recently graduated from Murdoch, so a might have a few more stable topic ideas from her.) It's because she grew up with me. I kinda got what makes her laugh, and she was the one person I could easily force to read it, so, that being my audience is who I wrote it for. So yes Trudie, this is for you. But all the other readers who for some reason have stumbled on this after finding articles on "Apologies for animal cruelty." I'm glad that you have enjoyed it, but if you email me, you can shape the future of this blog by adding the humor you want, written by me.
11. It's appears that I'm not very enthusiastic about the current tread of this blogging voting (I'm concerned how the earlier clitoris joke will be taken (AH HA. I DID SAY IT!), but I must stop this sour grapes type complaining and just enjoy my audience while it lasts, so I'll embed a You Tube vid I did a while ago. Why is it the 11th thing I love about Murdoch? It gave me hope for a while, a few laughs, a concerned sister and caused there to be some traffic to the mits murdoch website (free quota.). It's a some memories which will always link to my AWESOME time at Murdoch, it's not advisable to ask the story behind it, but it's one of my few vids on You Tube, and seeing this blog is mainly about mocking my own incompetence, I thought this would be an adequate way to end this post.
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