Well, it's been a year, and now its time for the obligatory wrap up post.
Well, theres been this uni that I have attended occasionally. And it's been quite good, Curtin students know it as "uni-for-people-not-good-enough-for-a-proper-uni", I know Curtin as "People-who-are-unaware-that-their-networking-program-is-10-years-old" Enough with the slander, lets get to the real problem, those freakin' Notra Dame students. Or at least, let me suggest some reasons to go Murdoch and why I go there.
Murdoch uni, is a great uni, you'll get a degree out of it, which is pretty important for a uni, its a pretty nice campus, with some good walks and views of trees and scrubs if your into that sort of thing, and its a natural preserve for Quenda species which are a cute little fuzzy animal related to the Quokka
It's got a chiropractic facility, and don't worry, students don't go in there till they're in their 5th year so you will come out with a fully complete spinal cord and sometimes a free tap! And before you say "That was a terrible joke, spinal taps aren't funny." Well to that I say "It goes up to ELEVEN!!" And if you say "I don't get it." then you're very hard to please and you should go somewhere else.
It's got a library, at the beginning of the year, I said this was good for hide and seek.
Kevin, if you can read this, you can come out now... It's not funny any more....
It's got the Ref, which Geiger rating has not become significantly higher than what it was at the beginning of the year. And it has Demon. Energy drinks vary from place to place, normally odd ball brands you can only seem to find in one place are the best. This my friend, is that oddball drink. Not only does Kababulous provide Kebabs, it now quenches the other requirement of adequate sustenance. Demon cola, tastes like coke, but its like getting a feeling you get when you are told an assignment is due at midnight that you didn't even know you had.
Wait a sec, maybe that was just find out about 106.. nevermind. Its awesome.
My personal experience this year has been great, meet some random people, went to some great lans, woke up in a shopping trolley, haven't even begun to talk about what I've learnt at uni.
It's hard, and there's a big change, you suddenly not really cared for by anyone, your on your own, but that doesn't mean you don't have support there from the teaching and learning centre, or the bunch of Friends you get (cause they're in the same boat)
So you have put up with my bad spelling, bad grammer, bad jokes and geek references and I believe you deserve something for that, you deserve to do the same.
THAT'S RIGHT!! Get into Murdoch and become A FIRST YEAR BLOGGER. You won't get a shiny trophy or any self-respect, but you will get the chance to tell people about uni, and about all the problem YOU FACE!! That's right YOU COMPLAIN, YOU SCORE A FREE YEAR LONG PARKING PERMIT... WIN/WIN!!
So add some lolz, add some truth, and lets start a whole new season of graffiti of the week that actually comes out weekly... Or not.
Seriously, very rewarding experience.
So what will happen to this blog, may post some random stuff on it, will post the new lot of first year bloggers URLS when they get put up and maybe some of my second year stuff when it comes around, meanwhile, there may only be the occasional post till March, about what I've set fire to now.
Well, these are from all round the place
Nominee #1:
Use an action verb
Nominee #2:
Thank you! But the toilet paper you need is in another castle!
Nominee #3:
I paid my taxes and all I got was this stupid graffiti wall!
Nominee #4:
Push button, Receive bacon.
Nominee #5:
FIGHT APATHY, or don't
Nominee #6
I miss the internet
Nominee #7
No Zombie is safe from Chicago Ted.
Nominee #8
Nominee #9
The cake is a lie
Nominee #10
Move during the day, they can't go out in sunlight!!
That's Vampires MORON.
You know what, I'm going to stop here, they've just turned into gamer jokes.
HAVE A GOOD LIFE... KEEP WEARING PANTS.... Yeah, that didn't make any sense, but none of the blog did, so it's okay!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
And now a word NOT from out sponsers, as well as the five stages of the end of semester!
Let me first apologise for the huge gaps in between blogs.. it's just.. the blogger outline said "Update at least weekly"and that made blogging sound like hard work, so, just like uni assignments/study, they were put on the back burner.
The Five Stages of
- DENIAL. Noramlly occurs about between week 1-13, associated with statements such as "exams are weeks away" and "Oh, it's okay to sleep through this lecture again, I mean, the sleep is better for me." Denial maybe visible at the beginning of week 14 with the statement "Oh I can't wait till exams are over, THEN I CAN PAR-TEY." This is only present in students in their first semester.
- ANGER. Starts between Week 12 and Week 15. WHY THE F--- HAVEN'T I BEEN STUDYING EVERY WEEK LIKE I WAS TOLD TO. This stage is normally the first time this semester that any student studying advanced english will use a colloquism.
- BARGANNING. This usually is one of the first times that an average student will go directly to a lecturer or tutor, in order to try and get free marks, usually met with limited success.
- DEPRESSION. Kicks in during the all-nighter during a time* which can be calculated from the time since the last break and the amount of red bull consumed/remaining.
- ACCEPTANCE. Anywhere between 48 hours and 5 minutes untill the exam comensment time, there comes a time, where the brain goes through a proccess (much like the one of blacking out a painful memory.) of releasing morphine and endorphans into the blood stream, the student relaxes and, not quite audible to the human ear, says "Ah, let's just wing it."
This proccess has been altered to other university events such as before assignments and before results, but it has been proven that before exams is the time when it occurs in the most students
* Mathmatics students who still need a PHd topic can study this... please... it's for the greater good!
But hush now, exams will soon be over, the unit guide, soon forgotten in a blaze of glow sticks and various chemicals (even if they're only Glucose, Saturated Fat and Sodium Cloride.) and as the music starts up and the only thing you can think of is "crap its
link href="../CSS files/CSS.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"", well I got question 3 wrong...."
Good Luck to everybody doing exams of some sort and remeber,
Meanwhile grafetti of the week comes from the library...
"If you want a good time call 9455 .... <--- if you want THE time call 1900 912 000"
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Halfway between the University and the Stars.
Well, I didn't really explain myself very well last post, and thought if any bloggers wanted to also have their URL burnt up in some distant atmosphere, I should tell people about it
The site is http://intospace.org/
on there you can pay a bit for your logo (more money means more interstellar advertising! And you know what they say about advertising to niche markets! (It pays off)) Currently their doing a promo where blogger do a bit of talk about the project in a post (Hey, THEY'RE SENDING YOUR BLOG INTO SPACE! Give them a bit of credit. It's going to double my audience!) So in this absurd internet state when advertising is become more crea-buyflanduffyflan-tive and everybody has become a demographic AND a billboard. It's great to see that advertising is become more livable, now it's more subliminal advertising the product and doing a really creative medium
So, seriously, write a blog, get a photo that has something that ET will phone home about, buy a few seats to make it stand out and be glad that even though you might not see colonies on the moon or on mars, you'll see product placement on a satellite.
Graffiti of the week (you thought i'd forgotten hadn't you?)
Well, seeing i'm talking about advertising, I thought i'd bring this up
so, untill i get banned from the network (for advertising about a website in a blog that's advertising a uni.)
So, you expect me to talk again?
I guess that Uni life has its ups and downs. I mean, any person not going to uni would wonder why a first year student, who's actual effort in uni match that of a cat (that managed to pass first semester) has no time to write a blog. But I did score a parking permit with it, so I may aswell clear out the cobwebs again and add something to it.
Uni has gotten harder, the units haven't really, but my selection doesn't mix well (you think if you just pick the remaining ICT 100 units that you didn't do in first semester you'd get a pretty good bag, but it doesn't work like that - seriously, they WANT you to pick up skills that won't actually benifit your degree) ah well. Theres just been assignments and all of a sudden it's week 10 and.. yeah. exam timetables are up. That's scary. But otherwise, unless you want to know about program stacks, routing protocols, languages, problem solving and culture (did i mention i'm ONLY doing ICT units??) or webpages, i guess my only things I can say to you about what's happened at uni is about a fire drill which annoyed all my lecturers, and that vending machine prices have remained steady, the kabab place now does this cola flavoured energy drink and that Robertson Lecture theatre has 90% of the lyrics of the song "Still Alive" tattoo'd on various desks.
Drunk way to much Master Edge.
Seriously way to much of that stuff.
But on another note, I recently got emailed by a random that a group is going to launch a bunch of blogs and logos into space. Seriously, this guy randomly found this blog. Dunno how he did that, but he said "you are a respectable blogger" Thanks! Seriously, this was a big ego boost. He's probably never scanned my page with a spell checker.
So I'm giving them an VERY honourable mention to a cause that is really appropriate for a blog about absurdity. To try and get my silly opioin launch into outer space, where it will float forever, before burning up in another planets atmosphere, really appropriate. Although sending my blog into space sounds a lot like thowing those little cotton bud things at a brick wall, i really enjoy that activity. So thank you strange man for giving the oppotunity for DAUL to become space debris and destroy space craft and anything else which hits it way to fast.
I still haven't got banned from the network, I'm ready to sell out, I may fail a unit or two, I may pass a unit or two,
But untill any of those things occur,
I probably won't post again for a while,
Thursday, September 4, 2008
back into the groove
It's weird. uni for 12 weeks, pick up great studying habits, 2 weeks of exams, all go really well,
10 weeks off
Annoyingly the past 4 1/2 weeks have been realising that last semesters' enthusiasm has gone, left me to only ponder that success in my previous semester only occured by someone who hijiacked my body to learn "Introduction to Computer Science." The follow up course has been banished from my mind with thoughts of "How am I going to go to before midnight when it is now 2am? Did I remeber to take out the rubbish? What ICT107 Assignment due in two days?"
But now I realise, these are all normal thoughts that I had last semester and it is just my body telling me "you're a uni student, disorganised and possibly unshowered, it is the same as it ever was"
The updating of my blog the day of an assignment, the cleaning of my room in order to avoid an in lab test, the pitiful excuses I come up with of why the fridge was open all night.
It's all back to normal...
And that's the way I like it.
10 weeks off
Annoyingly the past 4 1/2 weeks have been realising that last semesters' enthusiasm has gone, left me to only ponder that success in my previous semester only occured by someone who hijiacked my body to learn "Introduction to Computer Science." The follow up course has been banished from my mind with thoughts of "How am I going to go to before midnight when it is now 2am? Did I remeber to take out the rubbish? What ICT107 Assignment due in two days?"
But now I realise, these are all normal thoughts that I had last semester and it is just my body telling me "you're a uni student, disorganised and possibly unshowered, it is the same as it ever was"
The updating of my blog the day of an assignment, the cleaning of my room in order to avoid an in lab test, the pitiful excuses I come up with of why the fridge was open all night.
It's all back to normal...
And that's the way I like it.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its back to uni we go...
I wish to apologise that I cannot continue "Around the campus in eight blogs" due to the fact that I have no reason to procrastinate and write blogs. Until next week...
On the 4th of August, the dreaded day has come where we students rush to the bookshop to fight over the last copies of books "Required" (Opened once or twice in class and glanced at during revision for exams at least 3 times.) and occasionally spashing out on the "Recomended" (Found on eBay, and listed as "New and unread" in 17 weeks time.) Our sleep patterns return from the 1am to 11am sleep, to the 1am to 10.50am sleep. In diaries "Parties" and "Nightclubs" get replaced with "Lectures" and "Tutorials" and finally bags are packed with notepaper.
It is at this time that we realise for the next 17 weeks, comes that inconvenient part of student life, known as "being a student." As the completion of first semester joys end like the setting sun, we first yearers know, it only gets harder from here. Second semester means no Foundation Unit, this is all contributing towards your degree now, and you have to understand and pass all of it or otherwise this whole place seems like a waste of time and, well, it all seems very serious. BUT FEAR NOT! People you know are still there, that creepy tutor with the lazy eye is still there and, most importantly, the refectory is still there.
So to all the students, good luck this semester
To all those wanting a longer blog, wait till I have an excuse to write blogs (Last minute assesments.)
And to all those expecting a graffeti of the week, it's right here
Join us, we are the group who will show you the truth, we will show you the world for what it is, and most importantly, what it will become. <-- Bloody MITS.
On the 4th of August, the dreaded day has come where we students rush to the bookshop to fight over the last copies of books "Required" (Opened once or twice in class and glanced at during revision for exams at least 3 times.) and occasionally spashing out on the "Recomended" (Found on eBay, and listed as "New and unread" in 17 weeks time.) Our sleep patterns return from the 1am to 11am sleep, to the 1am to 10.50am sleep. In diaries "Parties" and "Nightclubs" get replaced with "Lectures" and "Tutorials" and finally bags are packed with notepaper.
It is at this time that we realise for the next 17 weeks, comes that inconvenient part of student life, known as "being a student." As the completion of first semester joys end like the setting sun, we first yearers know, it only gets harder from here. Second semester means no Foundation Unit, this is all contributing towards your degree now, and you have to understand and pass all of it or otherwise this whole place seems like a waste of time and, well, it all seems very serious. BUT FEAR NOT! People you know are still there, that creepy tutor with the lazy eye is still there and, most importantly, the refectory is still there.
So to all the students, good luck this semester
To all those wanting a longer blog, wait till I have an excuse to write blogs (Last minute assesments.)
And to all those expecting a graffeti of the week, it's right here
Join us, we are the group who will show you the truth, we will show you the world for what it is, and most importantly, what it will become. <-- Bloody MITS.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Another inexcusably late Round the campus in eight blogs
So yeah, here we are, 17 days away from the start of semester and you want another 6 blogs about campus amenities? Well, before you get too acquainted with Murdoch has on offer, you should know that Mid year entry is open, There's this handy link http://www.murdoch.edu.au/Future-students/School-students/Figure-out-your-life/ if you don't know how you're going to waste post-uni life and the Murdoch Open day is coming up (31st August. Please Go. Then I won't have to write any more of this, unless of course you can't get there, or is doing external studyings, Then this blog is for you.)
Okay, so there's a whole lot of things in bush court, like caravans, and music, and illegally parked cars... and second/third/four year students who wanted a legit reason to get out of studies. There are signs up to various places and timetables for various speeches and things to look at and experience. In each relevant subject and then in the library there's tours and a few help sessions for what uni is going to be like and activities to win stuff , and a whole lot of first year students who want to intimidate the newbies by looking important by studying.
So, you'll may meet some students who are working too hard to be classified as "Students", teachers who do research when there not in lectures, teachers AND students who are in the ref when they should be in lectures.
But no one can tell you what uni is going to be like for you. Only you can decide that. Will you become studious and get to sit/walk across a stage in three/four/five years? I hope so. The uni open day will only show you where this experience will be taking place (and other places besides Sir Walter's Cafe.)
AND REALLY: all the parents are lost, and the whole thing is one big ad, and by the end of it, some smart Alec (not necessarily named "Alec") has scrolled on some toilet door "Geez this sucks compared to Curtin."
(And I wonder why she came all the way from Melbourne to write that.)
Okay, so there's a whole lot of things in bush court, like caravans, and music, and illegally parked cars... and second/third/four year students who wanted a legit reason to get out of studies. There are signs up to various places and timetables for various speeches and things to look at and experience. In each relevant subject and then in the library there's tours and a few help sessions for what uni is going to be like and activities to win stuff , and a whole lot of first year students who want to intimidate the newbies by looking important by studying.
So, you'll may meet some students who are working too hard to be classified as "Students", teachers who do research when there not in lectures, teachers AND students who are in the ref when they should be in lectures.
But no one can tell you what uni is going to be like for you. Only you can decide that. Will you become studious and get to sit/walk across a stage in three/four/five years? I hope so. The uni open day will only show you where this experience will be taking place (and other places besides Sir Walter's Cafe.)
AND REALLY: all the parents are lost, and the whole thing is one big ad, and by the end of it, some smart Alec (not necessarily named "Alec") has scrolled on some toilet door "Geez this sucks compared to Curtin."
(And I wonder why she came all the way from Melbourne to write that.)
Friday, June 20, 2008
What you got there, a furball? 2/8 (or 1/4 or .25/1) ep of "Around the campus in 8 blogs"
An Apology: Several remarks in my last blog have been considered "offensive" by a reader. So, for a repayment for defemation of character and slander (and some libel, but she doesn't know about that yet.) I wish to formally state that doing an arts degree is not in the least bit wrong in anyway, honours students should be commended for their dedication to their studies, people who work in the tax office are working for a government organisation & therefore benifiting us all.
If you currently do not own something, but are instead are loaning it untill either you no longer require it, or have the nessesary funds to own it,the current owner of that item should not be singled out in a public forum for humour purposes and the way in which the item is used should only be exchanged to that person in private communications.
All this however does not apply due to the fact that this is a blog and no one gives a crap what is said in it.
"So i've decided to write 8 blogs about the campus"
"What do you mean cut the blue wire, THEY'RE ALL BLUE!!!"
"but right now head towards Loneragen,"
The Loneragen post -OR- That vending machine is totally placed there to tempt students.
Nested behind the science block, next to biomedical science you will find.... The science lecture theatre. But as with all lecture thetres, this one has a terrible temperature, reeks of hair gel and cheap deoderent as well as seats specifically built to slide off if the user falls asleep, disturbing the rest of the class.
But this lecture theatre is special. it has not one but TWO special features!
1. An unprenoucable name!
2. A clock!
These may not sound like much, but in student life, any distraction is a good distraction.
The name: One of the guarrenteed conversation starters of first year students is how to pronouce this name. We can break down three ways how to say any word of the english language
a) Phonetically: The name is spelt Loneragen, this being pronounced as Lone-Ragen (Lone: Singularity & Ragan: Somebody who ran America)
b)Like a third year student: Achieving this is simple,
1. Walk up to someone whose books are much larger than yours.
2. Ask them how to pronouce it
generally they will give the response Long-Ree-Gin. (Long: A far far way to run, Ree: A drink of jam and bread that will bring us back to do-ti-do, Gin: The drink you consummed so this blog would make sense.)
c) Say Lon-gin-gan (with someone on standby to stop you hacking up your own lung.)
Now that we've got that setteled, we will move onto a much more important matter,
2.why the hell is there a clock in Longingan?
For all the people reading this who haven't been to uni yet, lectures are long speaches about a single topic that you're suppose to understand. This forces your mind to wander. How many bricks are in that wall? How many chairs are there in here? How many people are making out? (Best. Lecture. Ever. Period.) and most importantly What time is it? Now irronically the only reason you ask this question to yourself, is because you don't want to know what the time is, otherwise you'll be scribbling on the desk working out how many seconds till the end of the lecture. But in longreegin, it's possible. OH WHY OH WHY. The end result is a graffitti of the week like know other.
Graffitti of the week:
The graffitti of the desk i normally sit in in Loneragen:
1 hour 5 minutes till end of lecture.
3900... 3899... 3898... 3897...
Meanwhile, in the wind the door silently creaks open, you turn slightly and in the deafening brightness of the light outside your real goal comes into view - A Crunch bar, sitting in the vending machine accross from you, the lecture finishes, you quickly sprint outside, just to find its been swiped by the lecturer minutes before.
So, as I lie in wait for the machine to be refilled, which ever of death, banning from the network, or someone with a cruch that I can easily pickpocket arrives first, Goodbye.
If you currently do not own something, but are instead are loaning it untill either you no longer require it, or have the nessesary funds to own it,the current owner of that item should not be singled out in a public forum for humour purposes and the way in which the item is used should only be exchanged to that person in private communications.
All this however does not apply due to the fact that this is a blog and no one gives a crap what is said in it.
"So i've decided to write 8 blogs about the campus"
"What do you mean cut the blue wire, THEY'RE ALL BLUE!!!"
"but right now head towards Loneragen,"
The Loneragen post -OR- That vending machine is totally placed there to tempt students.
Nested behind the science block, next to biomedical science you will find.... The science lecture theatre. But as with all lecture thetres, this one has a terrible temperature, reeks of hair gel and cheap deoderent as well as seats specifically built to slide off if the user falls asleep, disturbing the rest of the class.
But this lecture theatre is special. it has not one but TWO special features!
1. An unprenoucable name!
2. A clock!
These may not sound like much, but in student life, any distraction is a good distraction.
The name: One of the guarrenteed conversation starters of first year students is how to pronouce this name. We can break down three ways how to say any word of the english language
a) Phonetically: The name is spelt Loneragen, this being pronounced as Lone-Ragen (Lone: Singularity & Ragan: Somebody who ran America)
b)Like a third year student: Achieving this is simple,
1. Walk up to someone whose books are much larger than yours.
2. Ask them how to pronouce it
generally they will give the response Long-Ree-Gin. (Long: A far far way to run, Ree: A drink of jam and bread that will bring us back to do-ti-do, Gin: The drink you consummed so this blog would make sense.)
c) Say Lon-gin-gan (with someone on standby to stop you hacking up your own lung.)
Now that we've got that setteled, we will move onto a much more important matter,
2.why the hell is there a clock in Longingan?
For all the people reading this who haven't been to uni yet, lectures are long speaches about a single topic that you're suppose to understand. This forces your mind to wander. How many bricks are in that wall? How many chairs are there in here? How many people are making out? (Best. Lecture. Ever. Period.) and most importantly What time is it? Now irronically the only reason you ask this question to yourself, is because you don't want to know what the time is, otherwise you'll be scribbling on the desk working out how many seconds till the end of the lecture. But in longreegin, it's possible. OH WHY OH WHY. The end result is a graffitti of the week like know other.
Graffitti of the week:
The graffitti of the desk i normally sit in in Loneragen:
1 hour 5 minutes till end of lecture.
3900... 3899... 3898... 3897...
Meanwhile, in the wind the door silently creaks open, you turn slightly and in the deafening brightness of the light outside your real goal comes into view - A Crunch bar, sitting in the vending machine accross from you, the lecture finishes, you quickly sprint outside, just to find its been swiped by the lecturer minutes before.
So, as I lie in wait for the machine to be refilled, which ever of death, banning from the network, or someone with a cruch that I can easily pickpocket arrives first, Goodbye.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
AROUND THE CAMPUS IN EIGHT BLOGS: Issue 1/8 the boxes of bush court
Hmm, it appears I've misread my contract, APPARENTLY, this is suppose to be about uni.
But i'm on break at the moment, so it's hard to write about uni when there is none, except that the best time of uni is when you're not there.
Anyway, I thought i'd get back-on-track with eight blogs about random parts of the campus - first dealing with the main area bush court.
AND NOW... OUR FEATURE PRESENTATION: "tHE bOXES.." wAIT a SEcOND, "The Boxes of Bush Court."
As you enter uni from south street and providing that you're near carpark three, and haven't found the tavern or the student services building, there's a highly likely chance that you've found bushcourt. (If there isn't grass where you're standing, check that you're at the right Murdoch campus, maybe check that you're in the right country.) This big grassy plain acts as a place to sit when you've forgotten your timetable, want to see some grass or have spend a little bit too long at the tavern and want to get stuff of your chest, so to speak. I'm referring to vomit if anybody missed that. So now that your here, let me give you a tour if you turn to your right so that you are facing the Refectory, you will now see the refectory. The refectory houses overpriced re-heated goods that are classed as "uni food" when I described Murdoch as "having the best food" what i meant to say was "Some of the food does not require the use of a stomach pump." If you are getting bored of bush court, or just want to skip a Tute, head here. Chances are, your tutor will be here to for the same reason.
Heading to the hole in the wall beside the Refectory you will discover the reasons behind one of the reasons that you as a uni student have no money. It's called the bookshop. The bookshop is the place to find that they are out of stock of all the books you need for next semester. However, this place can get you some cred, just hang out by the medical section and pretend you do PSY700 even though you're holding "Invitation to Computer Science"
Moving right along. Hey look, there's the Social Sciences building. What weirdos do that? Then do honours? Then go and work in the Taxation office? Then keep emailing me cause technically that's slander?
Let's take a left here and head to the library. Now if you go near the uni often you might go outside the library. Now, as the library contains "Murdoch Print" they use a heck of a lot of paper. this paper arrives in boxes. BOXES THEY GIVE AWAY FOR FREE that's right. YOU TOO CAN SCORE A FREE BOX. This offer must be so popular that they have to actually put up a sign says "free boxes" to make people take them. Honestly, why don't they sell them, my market research shows that the average number of boxes out there could fetch up to $AUD0.88 per box on the open market. This is also one of the few places IN THE WORLD where you don't have to sign a contract to get something free. Seriously, that means you can do ANYTHING with this box!! You can wear it, you can throw it at someone, you can have it slide around in the boot of your (technically still your sisters') car! YOU CAN EVEN PUT IT BACK IN THE PILE. The possibilities are endless. More on things you can do in the library in a later blog, but right now head down towards Loneragan, then take a sharp turn so you almost walk into Sta Travel, turn a bit to the left, a lot to the right and you might see either The guild and second hand book shop, some toilets or a cow if you ended up in veterinary sciences.
The second hand bookshop is pretty good for old editions of book you need, the toilets are handy for defecation, conception (or non conception providing you have change), great graffiti and a hand dryer and the cows, they're open for all to lightly push.
Finally, i'll touch on the chancellery, this is a great place if you need to sort anything out, unless you're an international student, in this case do a 180 and head towards international student office.
(Amend Graffiti of the week here when I can be bothered going to uni.)
If you're wondering, this blog took 1h 22 minutes to write, the next 7 might not be as long, so I hope i didn't waste any of your time writing it. Untill I make the next one and/or until I get banned from the network,
But i'm on break at the moment, so it's hard to write about uni when there is none, except that the best time of uni is when you're not there.
Anyway, I thought i'd get back-on-track with eight blogs about random parts of the campus - first dealing with the main area bush court.
AND NOW... OUR FEATURE PRESENTATION: "tHE bOXES.." wAIT a SEcOND, "The Boxes of Bush Court."
As you enter uni from south street and providing that you're near carpark three, and haven't found the tavern or the student services building, there's a highly likely chance that you've found bushcourt. (If there isn't grass where you're standing, check that you're at the right Murdoch campus, maybe check that you're in the right country.) This big grassy plain acts as a place to sit when you've forgotten your timetable, want to see some grass or have spend a little bit too long at the tavern and want to get stuff of your chest, so to speak. I'm referring to vomit if anybody missed that. So now that your here, let me give you a tour if you turn to your right so that you are facing the Refectory, you will now see the refectory. The refectory houses overpriced re-heated goods that are classed as "uni food" when I described Murdoch as "having the best food" what i meant to say was "Some of the food does not require the use of a stomach pump." If you are getting bored of bush court, or just want to skip a Tute, head here. Chances are, your tutor will be here to for the same reason.
Heading to the hole in the wall beside the Refectory you will discover the reasons behind one of the reasons that you as a uni student have no money. It's called the bookshop. The bookshop is the place to find that they are out of stock of all the books you need for next semester. However, this place can get you some cred, just hang out by the medical section and pretend you do PSY700 even though you're holding "Invitation to Computer Science"
Moving right along. Hey look, there's the Social Sciences building. What weirdos do that? Then do honours? Then go and work in the Taxation office? Then keep emailing me cause technically that's slander?
Let's take a left here and head to the library. Now if you go near the uni often you might go outside the library. Now, as the library contains "Murdoch Print" they use a heck of a lot of paper. this paper arrives in boxes. BOXES THEY GIVE AWAY FOR FREE that's right. YOU TOO CAN SCORE A FREE BOX. This offer must be so popular that they have to actually put up a sign says "free boxes" to make people take them. Honestly, why don't they sell them, my market research shows that the average number of boxes out there could fetch up to $AUD0.88 per box on the open market. This is also one of the few places IN THE WORLD where you don't have to sign a contract to get something free. Seriously, that means you can do ANYTHING with this box!! You can wear it, you can throw it at someone, you can have it slide around in the boot of your (technically still your sisters') car! YOU CAN EVEN PUT IT BACK IN THE PILE. The possibilities are endless. More on things you can do in the library in a later blog, but right now head down towards Loneragan, then take a sharp turn so you almost walk into Sta Travel, turn a bit to the left, a lot to the right and you might see either The guild and second hand book shop, some toilets or a cow if you ended up in veterinary sciences.
The second hand bookshop is pretty good for old editions of book you need, the toilets are handy for defecation, conception (or non conception providing you have change), great graffiti and a hand dryer and the cows, they're open for all to lightly push.
Finally, i'll touch on the chancellery, this is a great place if you need to sort anything out, unless you're an international student, in this case do a 180 and head towards international student office.
(Amend Graffiti of the week here when I can be bothered going to uni.)
If you're wondering, this blog took 1h 22 minutes to write, the next 7 might not be as long, so I hope i didn't waste any of your time writing it. Untill I make the next one and/or until I get banned from the network,
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Chat with random
Random: Hey, are you that blogger, that does disorderly accounts of uni life?
Lachlan: Well, the title IS copyrighted, but I'll let you off this once
R:Anyway, I notice you haven't posted in a while, what have you been doing
L:Well, finishing assignments, attempting study, just trying to pass semester one uni, tis all.
R:You signed an agreement, dude.
L:HEY, I sign a lot of things, I didn't know they were going to put the photos into an art museum, I just thought they were going to deliver them to me like normal.
R:Did you..?
L: Che?
R: Nevermind, um, so, you going to POST ever again?
L: HELL YEAH! or otherwise someone from student services will hunt me down and do unspeakable things to my frontal lobe.
R: ouch.
L:EXACTLY, so I'm planning "Project Hinenburg"
R: WHAT? Your going to light a bunch of gas vapours and kill a bunch of people?
L: No, I'm just...
R: Building a new type of air ship, to invite people on, light a bunch of gas vapours and let people fall to there doom??
L: NO, I'm just planning on posting a lot of blogs during semester break?
R:Oh, so why are you calling it "Project Hinenburg" Why don't you just post a note on your blog saying "I'll be writing a buch of posts in a few weeks."
L:Cause I want it to be a suprise.
R:You know what, i'm just going to go ahead and hit you now.
L:AHA! YOU THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY PERSON WHOSE TRIED TO HIT ME?? THAT'S WHY I WEAR THIS BULLET PROOF VEST! Um, you might want to get that hand looked at, I don't think it's suppose to bend like that....
Project Hindiburg commencing soon! Eight Blogs! Eight Weeks! One Winner!
Lachlan: Well, the title IS copyrighted, but I'll let you off this once
R:Anyway, I notice you haven't posted in a while, what have you been doing
L:Well, finishing assignments, attempting study, just trying to pass semester one uni, tis all.
R:You signed an agreement, dude.
L:HEY, I sign a lot of things, I didn't know they were going to put the photos into an art museum, I just thought they were going to deliver them to me like normal.
R:Did you..?
L: Che?
R: Nevermind, um, so, you going to POST ever again?
L: HELL YEAH! or otherwise someone from student services will hunt me down and do unspeakable things to my frontal lobe.
R: ouch.
L:EXACTLY, so I'm planning "Project Hinenburg"
R: WHAT? Your going to light a bunch of gas vapours and kill a bunch of people?
L: No, I'm just...
R: Building a new type of air ship, to invite people on, light a bunch of gas vapours and let people fall to there doom??
L: NO, I'm just planning on posting a lot of blogs during semester break?
R:Oh, so why are you calling it "Project Hinenburg" Why don't you just post a note on your blog saying "I'll be writing a buch of posts in a few weeks."
L:Cause I want it to be a suprise.
R:You know what, i'm just going to go ahead and hit you now.
L:AHA! YOU THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY PERSON WHOSE TRIED TO HIT ME?? THAT'S WHY I WEAR THIS BULLET PROOF VEST! Um, you might want to get that hand looked at, I don't think it's suppose to bend like that....
Project Hindiburg commencing soon! Eight Blogs! Eight Weeks! One Winner!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Bus stop etiqutte (no, I can't believe it's spelt that way either.) NOW SPEL CHEKED!
Greetings loyal reader! (Hey Sean. Sean? SEAN?? WHERE ARE YOU?? NO, NOT YOU AS WELL!!!!!)
I had a shock on Tuesday. My car, wasn't where I thought I parked it, I just stared blankly at the empty space until I got hit by car coming down the road. (No, unfortunately it wasn't Christian. It was just someone who wanted the parking space.)It was at this moment that I realised that I'd come by bus. I'd come by bus most of semester. And will come by bus tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that. But not the day after that, cause that was yesterday which is Saturday. And I wouldn't be coming by bus today in five days time as it is Sunday. It wouldn't be until 6 days after today's tomorrow that I will be coming on Monday. Provided that nothing happens tonight (today.) that will be preventing me to go there tomorrow, in 6 days time.
Meanwhile, back at 5 days ago, today, I had realised that at the bus stop that there are routines and strict guidelines whilst waiting for the inevitable silver and green to come down to the stop. Unfortunately, today it would not be raining mountain dew, but today, I would make some notes that will inevitably, lead to a better Trasperth system.
Bus Stop Etiquette
When nearing South Street, your bus will appear from nowhere with a heard of cars long enough that even if you do a runner, you will miss it. Within about 1 minute, others will compound at the bus stop, it is impolite to attempt to communicate with them, in doing this will cause a giant rip in space/time causing all of the universe (including the bus stop) to be compacted into a blob of mass about the size and shape of a tennis ball, before rolling off into one of the side pockets, leaving only the cue ball on the table.
Seriously, if you're still reading after the confusing day thing, I will give you a moose.
Okay, NOW this blog has just gotten to stupid and you've stopped reading. Everybody gone? Okay then, let's continue
The only way you can acknowledge these people is with a glance no longer than 2 seconds. Any longer than this will cause weird stare back at you and you won't know what to do. These glances are not really necessary, it's just in case one of them does something exciting, like have an Spontaneously combust, Nobody will do any if you do spontaneously combust, it will just means that the other bus stop people will have one less person to look at.
To be polite as bus stops there is only one other things that needs to be done. The timetable check. Every three minutes, it is the norm to go over and look at the bus stop for the time the next bus stop will come, look at your watch, look at the bus stop again, look to where the bus will come from and then walk back to your original position, recommencing the looking at the random people who stand around at bus stops.
------two hours later------
Well, I wonder what I was on when I wrote that, anyway, it's time for Graffiti of the week, this week sent by another first year blogger, Kacy, who wins a pencil case for all those receipts, bent paper clips and little bits of grey stuff that always comes with pencil cases. HOORAY!! Next week's best submission will receive one of those plastic things that fits on the end of a hose.
"You shouldn't mess with the occult."
"I thought it was good for you"
"Like for your digestive system"
"That's Yakult"
Because you can't mess with the Lactobacillus casei.
Anyway, my ranting is over for another week.
Yes I am perfectly aware this wasn't as funny as the timeline. email me ideas for graffiti, uni life and various other nonsense I can complain about in this blog at 30788034@student.murdoch.edu.au and you too can be a proud owner of something random I found in my dad's shed!
I had a shock on Tuesday. My car, wasn't where I thought I parked it, I just stared blankly at the empty space until I got hit by car coming down the road. (No, unfortunately it wasn't Christian. It was just someone who wanted the parking space.)It was at this moment that I realised that I'd come by bus. I'd come by bus most of semester. And will come by bus tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that. But not the day after that, cause that was yesterday which is Saturday. And I wouldn't be coming by bus today in five days time as it is Sunday. It wouldn't be until 6 days after today's tomorrow that I will be coming on Monday. Provided that nothing happens tonight (today.) that will be preventing me to go there tomorrow, in 6 days time.
Meanwhile, back at 5 days ago, today, I had realised that at the bus stop that there are routines and strict guidelines whilst waiting for the inevitable silver and green to come down to the stop. Unfortunately, today it would not be raining mountain dew, but today, I would make some notes that will inevitably, lead to a better Trasperth system.
Bus Stop Etiquette
When nearing South Street, your bus will appear from nowhere with a heard of cars long enough that even if you do a runner, you will miss it. Within about 1 minute, others will compound at the bus stop, it is impolite to attempt to communicate with them, in doing this will cause a giant rip in space/time causing all of the universe (including the bus stop) to be compacted into a blob of mass about the size and shape of a tennis ball, before rolling off into one of the side pockets, leaving only the cue ball on the table.
Seriously, if you're still reading after the confusing day thing, I will give you a moose.
Okay, NOW this blog has just gotten to stupid and you've stopped reading. Everybody gone? Okay then, let's continue
The only way you can acknowledge these people is with a glance no longer than 2 seconds. Any longer than this will cause weird stare back at you and you won't know what to do. These glances are not really necessary, it's just in case one of them does something exciting, like have an Spontaneously combust, Nobody will do any if you do spontaneously combust, it will just means that the other bus stop people will have one less person to look at.
To be polite as bus stops there is only one other things that needs to be done. The timetable check. Every three minutes, it is the norm to go over and look at the bus stop for the time the next bus stop will come, look at your watch, look at the bus stop again, look to where the bus will come from and then walk back to your original position, recommencing the looking at the random people who stand around at bus stops.
------two hours later------
Well, I wonder what I was on when I wrote that, anyway, it's time for Graffiti of the week, this week sent by another first year blogger, Kacy, who wins a pencil case for all those receipts, bent paper clips and little bits of grey stuff that always comes with pencil cases. HOORAY!! Next week's best submission will receive one of those plastic things that fits on the end of a hose.
"You shouldn't mess with the occult."
"I thought it was good for you"
"Like for your digestive system"
"That's Yakult"
Because you can't mess with the Lactobacillus casei.
Anyway, my ranting is over for another week.
Yes I am perfectly aware this wasn't as funny as the timeline. email me ideas for graffiti, uni life and various other nonsense I can complain about in this blog at 30788034@student.murdoch.edu.au and you too can be a proud owner of something random I found in my dad's shed!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
w00t! Holidays!
I always thought the beginning of holidays (or at uni called a "Study break" but seriously, I say Ta-mah-to weirdos say To-Mar-to.) was like the end of season cliff hanger for some soapie. Seriously, you're sitting there lecturer says "see you in a week" and than it kicks in that have a few days off, then it kicks in you don't know what the heck is due at the end of it. So you stare into the middle distance while you decide if you should go home, or go find your lecturers. (Trust me, they'll nearly ALWAYS be there. What's so special about doing a PhD anyway? It's just an essay which somebody decided to have a ridiculously high word limit. They end the same as a 1,000 word essay. "My statement was correct 'cause I nicked, sorry, referenced, it from someone else.") Meanwhile, while your brain was going through all this the lecturer has since left the theatre, turned the light out and you don't know where the exit is and yes, the air conditioning in KBLT (This week, will be referenced to as Kicked BeLow The belt.) NEVER TURNS OFF. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME. IT'S FREAKIN' COLD IN THERE. ALWAYS. They should sell jumpers at Kajini, they'd make a fortune.
Back to the occasionally referenced centeral topic. (If you're reading this Mr Hunter, yes my tangents are always. AND grammatically incorrect!) This time, I went home. I mean there is another 9 toes to fracture if something due on the 28th. So now I've read pages of unit outlines and course details to find what's due. My advice to you (WOW. SOMETHING USEFUL IN A BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) is draw up a time table each semester and mark when stuff is due. I did it, it's fantastic, I can know exactly when to organise my excuses.
Inconclusively, I would like to state this blog was a failed attempt at combining three non related jokes. Thank you my devoted fan!
******************Stop scroll readers who just want "Graffiti of the week"*************
It's hard to find good graffiti when your not at uni, So I searched around at home and found the only written thing I could.
Shopping list for 26th Feb.
1x 500g Choc Chips
2x 4L of Prune juice
1x Pineapple
5x Tequila 1.25L
Some potato chips. <----- that was one AWESOME weekend.
**Note: anyone who objects to me using the word "freakin'" Please send an email to funneydude@gmail.com with the subject "word use complaint" If three email are recieved I will remove all uses and not use such words in the future. Unless the email are sent by Jamie Potts. In that case, Go to hell (Or at least Jamieland.).
Untill I get banned from the network, or sued for copywrite infringment, or run out of prune juice,
good bye.
Back to the occasionally referenced centeral topic. (If you're reading this Mr Hunter, yes my tangents are always. AND grammatically incorrect!) This time, I went home. I mean there is another 9 toes to fracture if something due on the 28th. So now I've read pages of unit outlines and course details to find what's due. My advice to you (WOW. SOMETHING USEFUL IN A BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) is draw up a time table each semester and mark when stuff is due. I did it, it's fantastic, I can know exactly when to organise my excuses.
Inconclusively, I would like to state this blog was a failed attempt at combining three non related jokes. Thank you my devoted fan!
******************Stop scroll readers who just want "Graffiti of the week"*************
It's hard to find good graffiti when your not at uni, So I searched around at home and found the only written thing I could.
Shopping list for 26th Feb.
1x 500g Choc Chips
2x 4L of Prune juice
1x Pineapple
5x Tequila 1.25L
Some potato chips. <----- that was one AWESOME weekend.
**Note: anyone who objects to me using the word "freakin'" Please send an email to funneydude@gmail.com with the subject "word use complaint" If three email are recieved I will remove all uses and not use such words in the future. Unless the email are sent by Jamie Potts. In that case, Go to hell (Or at least Jamieland.).
Untill I get banned from the network, or sued for copywrite infringment, or run out of prune juice,
good bye.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
"Thanks" and my 15 seconds of fame
I just wanted to say thank you to Jonathan for mentioning me, and advertising graffetti (yes it will have a different spelling each time and THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. ahem.) of the week which I am thankful for, so in return
and support the people who have found a way to procrastinate each week.
Now on to the post.
Nothing has happened sinse I woke up in my tutorial. That is all. Except of course FINDING THIS GEM:
Graffiti of the week:
I hope this doesn't appear in Lachlan's blog.
and support the people who have found a way to procrastinate each week.
Now on to the post.
Nothing has happened sinse I woke up in my tutorial. That is all. Except of course FINDING THIS GEM:
Graffiti of the week:
I hope this doesn't appear in Lachlan's blog.
Monday, April 14, 2008
last night cramming
Unless you're a student who is going on to do honours or a doctorate, you've probably spent many sleepless nights, completing, expanding, or just starting assignments the night before they're due.
For all those who haven't experienced the adreinilen pump that is "The Cram" boy, are you missing out. For my recent foundation unit essay, I began this time honoured tradition that I though would have stopped the second i got into uni, so you who have been persuaded to do MasterClass can experience all the fun:
3 pm: Got home from uni, had a snack.
3.45 pm: Thought the first snack was pretty good, so had another.
4.40 pm: Realised that essay was due tomorrow. In rage kicked chair.
6.00 pm: Omitted from St John of Gods hospital with a minor bone fracture.
7.15 pm: Turned on computer.
8.30 pm: Stopped playing Worms.
9.35 pm: Stopped playing Call of Duty 4.
9.46 pm: Started Word.
9.47 pm: Had a snack.
10.05 pm: Woke up from snoozing in chair.
10.06 pm: Cleaned snack from pants.
10.10 pm: Realised had 12 hours, 20 minutes to do assignment.
10.25 pm: Stopped playing Call of Duty 4.
11.15 pm: Finished intro.
11.16 pm: Threw intro in bin, realised it was recipe for snack.
11.37 pm: Started essay.
2.56 am: Finished essay.
3.01 am: Realised bone fracture classified as doctors certificate.
10.25 am: Got extention.
10.31 am: Fell asleep in tutorial.
Grafetti of the (last three) week(s)
(bottom of aids awareness poster)
I thought it was funny. Obviously not. Oh well. Somebody send me some, I can only go in guy's toilets. Well, I can go in girls but the restraining orders are still valid. HONESTLY, I was just wondering if they had urinals!
So, Untill I get banned for the network (or posting infrequently enough)
For all those who haven't experienced the adreinilen pump that is "The Cram" boy, are you missing out. For my recent foundation unit essay, I began this time honoured tradition that I though would have stopped the second i got into uni, so you who have been persuaded to do MasterClass can experience all the fun:
3 pm: Got home from uni, had a snack.
3.45 pm: Thought the first snack was pretty good, so had another.
4.40 pm: Realised that essay was due tomorrow. In rage kicked chair.
6.00 pm: Omitted from St John of Gods hospital with a minor bone fracture.
7.15 pm: Turned on computer.
8.30 pm: Stopped playing Worms.
9.35 pm: Stopped playing Call of Duty 4.
9.46 pm: Started Word.
9.47 pm: Had a snack.
10.05 pm: Woke up from snoozing in chair.
10.06 pm: Cleaned snack from pants.
10.10 pm: Realised had 12 hours, 20 minutes to do assignment.
10.25 pm: Stopped playing Call of Duty 4.
11.15 pm: Finished intro.
11.16 pm: Threw intro in bin, realised it was recipe for snack.
11.37 pm: Started essay.
2.56 am: Finished essay.
3.01 am: Realised bone fracture classified as doctors certificate.
10.25 am: Got extention.
10.31 am: Fell asleep in tutorial.
Grafetti of the (last three) week(s)
(bottom of aids awareness poster)
I thought it was funny. Obviously not. Oh well. Somebody send me some, I can only go in guy's toilets. Well, I can go in girls but the restraining orders are still valid. HONESTLY, I was just wondering if they had urinals!
So, Untill I get banned for the network (or posting infrequently enough)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My Blog audition
In case you wondered what possesed someone to give me the power of a first year blogger, it was this:
Hello. (Is that 300 words yet? No??)
If your like me, you spent your first day at Murdoch walking around the outside of Bush Court, seeing how many automatic doors you could open without actually wanting to go inside, then realising that in a room called "Refectory" there was food! Yes, if your like me, you realised that 8am was not actually a good time to have a Cornetto, an espresso then going to sit still in the KBLT (Khicken Bacon Lettuce Tomato??). Finding out about this huge place has been a very entertaining week, I'm sure most of you have discovered how big the campus is and how many little rooms and pockets you can play a killer game of hide and seek in. And not be found. For 26 hours. But we won't go into that. If you haven't I advise the computer use on campus. If you are like me doing IT, even if your doing veterinary science, there's a time that you'll be in the library wondering why $6 disappeared loading all your apps on Facebook. (This would never happen at Black Mesa (If you don't get this, don't worry it's not that funny anyway.).) Computer use will one day be necessary, and learning about the system will help that one time.
And now.. GRAFFITI OF THE WEEK! Normally when we think of graffiti, we think of profanities scrolled on desks and dodgy mobile numbers suggesting a "good time." One of the great things I found out about Murdoch, is you get intellectual graffiti, discussing the higher knowledge of Quantum Fishsticks. The best I have located this week
"You are the author of your Beliefs"
"And I believe we are out of TP!"
So until I get banned from the network, Goodbye
Hello. (Is that 300 words yet? No??)
If your like me, you spent your first day at Murdoch walking around the outside of Bush Court, seeing how many automatic doors you could open without actually wanting to go inside, then realising that in a room called "Refectory" there was food! Yes, if your like me, you realised that 8am was not actually a good time to have a Cornetto, an espresso then going to sit still in the KBLT (Khicken Bacon Lettuce Tomato??). Finding out about this huge place has been a very entertaining week, I'm sure most of you have discovered how big the campus is and how many little rooms and pockets you can play a killer game of hide and seek in. And not be found. For 26 hours. But we won't go into that. If you haven't I advise the computer use on campus. If you are like me doing IT, even if your doing veterinary science, there's a time that you'll be in the library wondering why $6 disappeared loading all your apps on Facebook. (This would never happen at Black Mesa (If you don't get this, don't worry it's not that funny anyway.).) Computer use will one day be necessary, and learning about the system will help that one time.
And now.. GRAFFITI OF THE WEEK! Normally when we think of graffiti, we think of profanities scrolled on desks and dodgy mobile numbers suggesting a "good time." One of the great things I found out about Murdoch, is you get intellectual graffiti, discussing the higher knowledge of Quantum Fishsticks. The best I have located this week
"You are the author of your Beliefs"
"And I believe we are out of TP!"
So until I get banned from the network, Goodbye
Welcome to study week.
Hello (Is that enough for this week? No. You sure? Are you allowed to print that word in a blog)
Study week is upon us. A week of starting assignments due on the third of April and attempting to decipher five weeks of stick figures you drew in your lecture notes. It is a time of reflection, is this uni thing for me? Am I up to date in all my courses? I'VE SPEND HOW MUCH ON COFFEE AT SIR WALTERS?? Well, my first tests are coming up and the major essays are getting their topic sentences. So I'm making pretty good progress. It's good to take a bit of a (legal) breather this week, rather than my plan of just sleeping in this week, regardless of my lectures. (What was that? What do you mean I'm encouraging bad habits? These are university students! There is no such thing as a bad habit as a university student!) Now where was I? I've lost my train of thought, great. Well, I guess the point I'm trying to make is don't leave it to the last minute to do assignments and do study. Leave it to the second last. Now, what you've been waiting for it's:
Graffiti of the week:
This week's graffiti comes from a toilet block off bush court:
Normally when we think of graffiti, we think of profanities scrolled on desks and dodgy mobile numbers suggesting a "good time." One of the great things I found out about Murdoch, is you get intellectual graffiti, discussing the higher knowledge of Quantum Fishsticks. The best I have located this week
"Why are you reading this??"
So until I get banned from the network, Goodbye.
Please feel free to comment. What do you like? What don't you like? What Graffiti have you seen that you like? Do I owe you money??
Study week is upon us. A week of starting assignments due on the third of April and attempting to decipher five weeks of stick figures you drew in your lecture notes. It is a time of reflection, is this uni thing for me? Am I up to date in all my courses? I'VE SPEND HOW MUCH ON COFFEE AT SIR WALTERS?? Well, my first tests are coming up and the major essays are getting their topic sentences. So I'm making pretty good progress. It's good to take a bit of a (legal) breather this week, rather than my plan of just sleeping in this week, regardless of my lectures. (What was that? What do you mean I'm encouraging bad habits? These are university students! There is no such thing as a bad habit as a university student!) Now where was I? I've lost my train of thought, great. Well, I guess the point I'm trying to make is don't leave it to the last minute to do assignments and do study. Leave it to the second last. Now, what you've been waiting for it's:
Graffiti of the week:
This week's graffiti comes from a toilet block off bush court:
Normally when we think of graffiti, we think of profanities scrolled on desks and dodgy mobile numbers suggesting a "good time." One of the great things I found out about Murdoch, is you get intellectual graffiti, discussing the higher knowledge of Quantum Fishsticks. The best I have located this week
"Why are you reading this??"
So until I get banned from the network, Goodbye.
Please feel free to comment. What do you like? What don't you like? What Graffiti have you seen that you like? Do I owe you money??
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