Sunday, April 18, 2010

student + procrastination = blog

My blog does not represent the views of Murdoch or any of its affiliates. All posts are NOT to be taken seriously and are written only for entertainment purposes.

In rare moments of true genius, someone finds to idea, two concepts, two procedures, that work so well together, that when someone  has the luck to find a way to combine those two ideas, everyone goes "Now why didn't I think of that?" and TRUE genius is born.

It is with this in mind, that Murdoch set up the "Murdoch Encounters" website. A website to truly express all your own combinations of ideas to form new idea in which then can be. Er... Um.. Seriously I don't know why they want them or what they intend to do with them.

But presently, on the shiny thing, which I want to state is on all the time and does not look structure-ly sound enough to climb and is very pretty when your tired at 1:30 during a LAN. Now before you start, I was going to climb it, then I looked at it. It's randomly displaying submissions to the website and if I broke it, no one would ever know "Ninja" + "Pirate" = "Child you don't mess with" or "Exams" + "Facebook = "a fail" or even "Murdoch Encounters" + "Flash Animation" = "Time well spent not procrastinating"

Which comes to my first point about the website, it's interesting choice of design. It's done in flash, that's okay, most Murdoch promotional sites use flash, I just wonder what the html only site looks like...

Hmmm, you can only add your own experiences... Interesting choice, I can submit things, but not view...  I guess the interconnected web of ideas they wanted wasn't supported by javascript, but wait, even if the flash site, it's a female dog to see all the created connections between ideas. You see a pretty mess of all the base ideas and when you click on one, you see all the created connections from that one idea. I guess I just got into  256 a  bit too much, the purpose of that unit is pretty much saying all knowledge should be made manageable and logical... I guess there is an A-Z and a quick way to see the 'encounters' you've added there's just no search or anything.

The major prize is a guitar signed by acts that were at Southbound.. Like, um.. I went there.. damn, I know this, errr... Nope, I just remember backs. So yeah, don't mind if I don't win this major prize, but I wouldn't mind  winning the one for the most humourous, I'm not saying I will win because it's NOT MONITORED, Okay, I'm guessing if someone put Drugs + Databases Lecture = Funny Lecture they'd probably take it off. Because everyone know Danny's lectures are awesome without drugs. 

And because this post was delayed, another two will be up shortly... Either don't have anything to do with Murdoch Encounters, but are slightly too long to just be tacted onto this post, so to get you through the next few hours, please go on Facebook, post all spelling corrections I need to make to this on, and here's graffiti of the week...

The nerve of some people..

Oh and there's a clock bug too...


Dion Beetson said...

Hi Lachlan,

Thanks for the heads up on the 'clock' bug.

We just had our Flash developer upload a fix and all is looking good..

Nice work!!

Procrastination Free Living said...

You have a unique idea.. nice fauset u have... good woek dude